Once Upon a Swap

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King jumps on the table of Eda's human collectibles stand, trying to grab a flag that was hanging above him, "Weh!" he falls off the table, pointing at the flag, "Stupid flag!"

Cerise and Luz walk in, carrying a ladder and a wooden sign.

"It's been a little slow around here, hasn't it?" Cerise asks as she holds the ladder up.

"Well, I've got just the thing to attract customers." Luz climbs the ladder, putting a wooden sign on top of the "HUMAN COLLECTABLES" sign and tapping it to activate the light glyphs carved into it, "And who doesn't like their name in lights?"

"I don't know anyone who doesn't." Cerise smirks.

"Is it too subtle, Cece?" Luz asks her.

Cerise opens her mouth to answer, but a familiar voice cuts her off.

"Does subtle mean ugly?" Boscha asks as she, Skara, and an Oracle track student stand at the stand.

Cerise crosses her arms, giving a deadpan look, "I'm sorry. Is your name Cece? Because I believe Luz was asking me. Besides, your opinion doesn't matter."

"Hi, Boscha! Hexsidians! See anything you like?" Luz asks.

"Ew! No. I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird flashing trash sign." Boscha summons her scroll, taking several pictures.

"It's not funny, Boscha."

"What are you gonna do? Spit your human venom on me?"

"Do I need to get security involved?" Cerise asks, "I'm sure Hannibal can get rid of them."

"Cece, no! Hannibal is not eating them!" Luz told her.

"You have venom?" King asks before pointing, "Quick, Luz, start melting faces!"

"King, humans don't have venom." Cerise told him before turning to the three teens, smirking, "They would know that if they paid more attention in school." she turns to Luz, "Are you sure you don't want Hannibal to eat them? I doubt anyone but their families would miss these three."

"It's not worth it." Luz told her before turning to King, "You wouldn't understand how to handle teens like her."

King grabs her hood, "No, I'll show you what to do." he grunts as he jumps onto the table, "You will tremble before me!"

The three teens stare at him before smiling.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Boscha hugs him, summoning her scroll and taking a picture with a filter.

"Weh!" King shoves her face.

"How much?" Boscha asks with a smirk, "I have to own him."

"He's not for sale." Cerise told her as King frees himself and jumps into the scarlet brunette's arms.

"You couldn't afford me, sister!"


"That's the incorrect reaction!"

Eda's nose emerges from the tent, sniffing the air, "I smell an easy mark." she jumps out of the tent, "Hey, kid! Can I offer you the latest fashions from..." she uses a spell circle to dress herself in horribly clashing clothes, "the human realm?"

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