Wing It Like Witches

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Boscha, her hair down, looks into her mirror, "You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared." she puts her hair into her usual bun then stands up, putting on a varsity jacket before heading for the door, "Most important of all, you are a winner." she rips off a page of her calendar before walking out the door, revealing the whole month has been marked "Grudgby Season".


Boscha walks through Bonesborough, dribbling a grudgby ball as she passes several mesmerized onlookers.

"There she goes, captain of the Banshees. Off to win another championship for Hexside." an old woman says.

A second old woman turns to her child, "Why can't you be more like her?" the child breathes in deeply with an annoyed expression.


Boscha approaches Hexside, with a banner reading "Go get 'em, Banshees" magically unfurling over the school. Skara, Amelia, and Cat form up behind her, "Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first." she enters the school, throwing the doors open, "Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived. Groveling line starts here." she looks around after gaining silence, "Something's not right. Nobody's here!"

Students laugh from a distance, Boscha peering around a corner to see a crowd of students gathered around Cerise and Willow, the two holding a potted plant.

"No way!"

"Do me next. Do me!"

Cerise and Willow nod before using their magic as the plant sprouts a fruit that looks like the student's face.

The student takes it, "Welcome to the world, little buddy. Cerise, Willow, you're the coolest."

Willow blushes, "Aw, shucks!"

Cerise smirks, nudging her, "We are like poison ivy from the human realm. Our reputation is spreading."

"Yeah, Cerise and Willow rule!"

Boscha walks past them with her posse, "Wow, they have to make friends out of plants. How sad."

Willow wilts at this as Cerise rolls her eyes.

Amity walks past, "Oh, please!" she walks over to Boscha, "You know, I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?" she walks away as the crowd of students laugh.

Cerise waves her fingers teasingly before twirling a spell circle, "Cold shoulder ice storm." she points at Boscha as ice forms on the witch's shoulder, the students laughing louder.

"Oh, this is not gonna fly." Boscha glares.

"Jealousy!" Cerise sings as the students swoon over her voice.


Fireworks went off as Eda and Luz flew in on Eda's staff. Cerise had arrived early on her own.

"My first grudgby season!" Luz hops off, "I'm so excited, I have more school spirit than the school spirits!"

A ghost holds pom-poms, "Why do I even bother?" they throw their pom-poms down, groan, and float away.

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