chapter 1

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A Fallen friend

It was a pretty casual looking day in the bull king castle.

Princess Iron fan was being bitchy, the Demon bull king was sitting on his throne, doing absolutely nothing, and Red son was ordered to his room. Princess Iron fan didn't care what he did as long as he wasn't in the way. But that was the usual.

Red son was in his room, cleaning his glasses while muttering curse words to his parents. They didn't care about him. Unless something needed to be done, such as Red son being needed to build more bull clones, or create new weapons, he was completely ignored.

When he was younger, he begged his parents to leave the palace because he was lonely. He needed someone, anyone to talk to. A friend, if you want to call it that. Yet they turned him down. So he had nobody.

Red son had always been by himself. But he didn't say that he liked it.

After making a few dozen bull clones for his father to use at some point, he realized that he didn't have to make bull clones or anything for the next few weeks.. So he had time alone. With that time, what should he do with himself? He only ever built inventions for his father. So when he didn't have to do that, then what should he do?

He thought as he looked over at his tool kit. Should he build something? That's kind of all he knew how to do. He could build something for himself? Wait, what's the point in that?

That's when an idea came to him.

A person. Red son would build a person. Someone that could keep him company in his lonely little room. If he had to go one more month without talking to anyone, he would cry. And he doesn't cry often.

Red son immediately got to work, already filled with motivation as he gathered some spare parts he had from creating bull clones.

He stayed up day and night to finish his project. His mother didn't bother him because she didn't need him for anything. So with the opportunity, he finished his robot in less than 2 weeks.

This robot didn't talk, as it showed its emotions through face expressions. (Red son preferred that, if he had to be honest.) It had white-ish skin, no hair, a pair of orange eyes, and a hat. Red son decided to give it clothes, rather than armor, to make it feel more.. Comforting?

The last thing Red son had to do was give it a name.

He decided to name it Zora, because it ment light. It also ment a few.. Questionable things in Spanish, but he chose to ignore it. Red son programmed Zora to have a personality to contrast with his, so while Red son was moody, sassy, and cold, Zora was silly, polite, and friendly.

For the next few weeks, They bonded, and soon that was the only thing Red looked forward to during the day. Zora was more of a therapy bot, as it wasn't programmed to fight or do chores or anything. Yet Red son treated it respectfully. After all, Zora was a friend, Red sons first friend.

And you know what? For the first time in a long time, Red son was happy.


A few weeks later...

"RED SON, COME DOWNSTAIRS THIS INSTANCE!" Princess Iron fan suddenly yelled from the dining room. Red, who was talking with Zora, instantly froze.

He was definitely in trouble.

He looked at Zora with a "wish me luck" face. Zora gave him a pat on the back and a thumbs up. "You've got this!" Is what it seemed to be saying. Red smiled and headed on out into the dining room.

"What did you need me for?" Red son asked his mother when he entered the room. As soon as he said that, she lost her shit.

"Why are you not making bull clones for your father?! You know that we've needed about 200 since last week, and how many do I see? NONE! what have you been doing that's somehow more important than helping your father!?" She boomed, crossing her arms.

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