Chapter 1

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4 weeks before

It was a bright sunny Thursday afternoon, Ahn Y/n found herself walking home from school alongside her 6 years long friend Jang Wujin. It was today. Y/n had spent the last few weeks convincing herself to confess her now undeniable feelings for the Jang boy. And today was the day.

"What's the worst that can happen Y/n, you've known Wujin for years and if anything I'm positive he likes you too, right Onjo?" Isak told her as the three girls hung out together in the nearby park.

Onjo had eagerly nodded in agreement. "Right! Y/n it can't be that hard."

Y/n had simply scoffed knowing very well neither of her two friends had ever confessed to their crushes before.

Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat the best she could before she held Wujin's wrist gently pulling him to a halt. "Hey, Wujin. I need to tell you something." Y/n bit the inside of her lip when he turned to look back at her.

"What, did something happen?" Wujin's eyes furrowed into a frown.

Just say it Y/n! "No, nothing," Y/n confirmed for him. Breathe Y/n. "Wujin- I like you." Y/n ended up blurting it out a little faster than she had hoped and she winced inwardly. "You dont have to say anything I just, wanted to tell you that so you know." She added in a smaller voice.

Y/n's eyes drifted down to her shoes. That's it I've messed it all up. She thought to herself.

"Oh..." Wujin breathed out in surprise. He had not been expecting that at all.

Y/n silently cursed at herself for letting Isak and Onjo convince her to confess. She felt her nerves getting to her and before she could think she quickly spoke quietly. "Forget I said anything, I'll- I'll see you tomorrow."

Y/n turned and rushed to the bus that had pulled up ahead of them and climbed on leaving the Jang boy in a shocked daze.

2 weeks before

You definitely messed it up. Y/n gloomily thought to herself as she passed Cheongsan and Gyeongsu who were loudly headed to the cafeteria. Since that dreaded day when she had confessed to Wujin, the two teens had hardly exchanged a word unless absolute necessary in class.

Y/n had walked to school alone the day after, she and Wujin had almost always walked to and from school together. But when she reached their shared classroom she found herself being promptly ignored by Wujin. It created an awkward tension between the two as he further ignored her and Y/n only felt herself become sadder each day he did.

It hadn't gone unnoticed by Isak and Onjo, nor multiple others of their classmates as they'd been known to have a tightly knit friendship. Y/n refused to give her two friends any insight however. So much for what's the worst that can heppen.

Naturally Isak and Onjo tried their hardest multiple times to engage Y/n and Wujin to talk to each other but it was all failed attempts as Y/n hurriedly left in a flustered state and Wujin was left awkwardly shuffling his feet as Onjo glared at him.

1 week before

Y/n yawned herself awake as the chatter of her classmates awoke her. Her blurry eyes focused on Wujin's figure who sat in the seat ahead of her. They previously had been seatmates but the class seating arrangement had changed last week and now Y/n sat next to Hyoryeong. Y/n didnt mind her, they were on friendly terms.

"Hey, take my notes." Wujin turned to face her and left his notes on her table leaving her to stare at him with a confused look. "You fell asleep." He added.

Y/n was almost bewildered. Why did he care to talk suddenly? It had been weeks of not talking to each other. "I don't need them." Y/n insisted.

Wujin pressed his lips together to prevent himself from sighing. He'd been wanting for an excuse to talk to Y/n but always cowered out since the day she had confessed then ran from him.

"Wujin, are you coming?" Their classmate Daesu called him from the doorway.

Wujin's eyes darted from Y/n to Daesu before he huffed slightly and grabbed his sweater before following Daesu out without another word to Y/n.

The exchange left Y/n in a puddle of confusion and sadness. She wished she hadn't told him and ruined what they had. If she could go back in time and not tell him she really wouldn't.

a/n hiii so i kinda had the ideas in my head but kinda got bored and rushed it so sorry if its bad 😭🤞🏻 wanted to write for wujin anyway and just wanted a quick backstory out there the rest of the story will start from the next chapters might re edit later, its been ages since i've written so its prolly rusty feel free to correct.

son sangyeon as jang wujin

ahn y/n as yourself or whoever you want to picture+ the rest of aouad cast as themselves <3

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ahn y/n as yourself or whoever you want to picture
+ the rest of aouad cast as themselves <3

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