Chapter 10

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a/n apologies the fight isn't really detailed 🤧 but this ones a longer one!! a fair bit of dialogue tho

You pulled Cheongsan back behind you instinctively as Gwinam tossed aside the zombie he had been holding. His eyes snapped from Cheongsan and locked onto you. "See Y/n, you do know where Cheongsan is."

"And you aren't dead yet." You scoffed back. You saw red in your vision and in that moment you lunged forwards to him swiftly kicking him in his chest with surprising strength.

He fell backwards clutching his chest with a grimace as he held onto the hand rail. Gwinam found his footing again he threw a punch to you which you managed to block but he swung at you again and hit your ribs causing you to double over.

"Cheongsan don't!" You tried to warn Cheongsan who had kicked a zombie down the stairs and barreled into Gwinam pushing him away from you.

You were forced to start pushing and kicking zombies down the stairs beside Suhyeok to prevent them from getting to your friends at the top of the stairs as Gwinam and Cheongsan engaged in a brawl.

"You never listen do you Y/n?" Suhyeok asked before kicking a zombie back.

"Sorry." You apologised though it was laced with sarcasm. "Suhyeok!" You called out to him and forcefully tugged him out of the way as a zombie lunged at him.

"Why didn't you die?!" You heard Namra hiss at Gwinam icily. Glancing up you saw her holding him against the handrail and you lifted your arm as if shielding yourself as he was thrown down the tarp.

"Y/n! Suhyeok!" Cheongsan breathlessly yelled down to you and Suhyeok from over the hand rail. You glanced up to him he was pale from facing Gwinam. "Hurry!"

"But-" You tried as Suhyeok tugged you up the stairs after giving one more shove to the zombies.

Wujin had been holding the door they'd managed to to get open for everyone and he met your eyes as Suhyeok pushed you up the stairs. You'd managed to get away from him again.

You let Wujin take hold of your hand and guide you through the door onto the rooftop. The chopper was lifting off and away by now.

You were dragged to the side and Wujin lifted each of your arms and lifted your face up towards his as he checked you for injuries. "You're really going to be the death of me one day." He frowned down at you.

Watching him scan your face again you lifted your hand to his cheek. "Wujin...I'm alright. I really am. Gwinam got my ribs but, they aren't even sore."

Wujin's frown only increased as his eyes fell to your ribs. He worried you'd still get yourself hurt. He let you lead him back to your friends but not before wiping some blood that had spattered on your face from the zombies earlier.

"He's gone." Namra announced. Everyone turned to her. Cheongsan stepped away from the door and looked to you. You gave him a quizzical look.

"He's really going." You confirmed what Namra said.

"It's his smell. I hear his breathing too." Namra explained to Cheongsan.

"I can hear his heart beating- well, sort of. It's not really normal anymore." You said.

You could infact hear everyone's heart beat. More predominantly Wujin's and Gwinam's. You guessed you could hear Gwinam's since he's the one who bit you though you didn't logically understand it well.

"Look for the ones with colours." Joonyeong suggested as you and your friends began to refix the SOS sign. He climbed up onto the stairs to instruct.

You grabbed some of the metal bits and pieces easily and added them to the pile.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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