Chapter 8

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a/n: this ones a longer one bc i wanted to keep everything in this one chapt!! unedited as i just want to post and keep going in the story!

The loud whirring of a helicopter flying over above jolted you away. The sun was streaming through the open window it was most likely around 5 or 6 am.

You didn't sleep very well. Granted you were able to fall asleep but it was a restless sleep. Reaching your hands up you gently lifted Wujin's head from your own. He must have fallen asleep soon after you did.

You stood up quietly and stretched noticing Cheongsan standing at the window mindlessly. He probably didn't sleep.

Joining him at tbe window you sighed to yourself seeing your ex school mates still endlessly wandering the field. You were still in this nightmare of a school. It was reality.

"Any change?" You asked him quietly to not wake your friends.

Cheongsan shook his head. "Nothing. The choppers have been and gone all night."

"You should try and sleep." You suggested but he shook his head again stubbornly. Sighing again you left him to use the makeshift bathroom. Daesu and Joonyeong were lying on the floor so you had to tiptoe around them.

You couldn't help to wonder about your uncle again. Why would the army waste sending helicopters all night just to do nothing?

The situation of Hyosan city surely had to have reached around South Korea by now. You wondered if there were people outside the school trying to survive too or had it spread too quickly to be controlled.

You finished up and left the bathroom closing the door quietly. Onjo had awoken by now and was talking to Cheongsan softly. Looking around you saw Namra had also woken and Suhyeok was stirring awake.

Tiptoeing around the boys on the floor you sat back in your seat. Wujin must have felt your presence because his eyes soon fluttered open. "Did you sleep?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Sort of." You told him before he could worry himself to death. Looking back at Wujin yiu realised how glad you were that you ended up with him in this mess. Fighting with him was better than not knowing where he was and if he was okay. Even though you two hadn't spoken for weeks beforehand.

"They'll come for us eventually." You heard Onjo tell Hyoryeong who had woken up along with Jimin Daesu and Joonyeong. Everyone was awake now.

"How long do we wait?" Asked Hyoryeong doubtfully.

"Until they come." Onjo repeated.

"We don't even know if they're coming." She worriedly said.

"So? You want to go out there?" Asked Onjo earning your interest. As bad as it was outside you didn't want to stay in this room for long. You were already feeling restless.

Jimin turned from the window. "But even if they come they cant find us if they don't know we're here."

"We can put a signal for help."

"How?" You asked Onjo.

"My dad taught me a signal that's used internationally..." Onjo started as she tried remembering it.

"What is it?" Namra asked.

"It was red and blue put together," Onjo tried explaining. "to create some sort of pattern...Should we just write "SOS" on the curtains?" She hopelessly suggested.

"Yes let's do that." Hyoryeong agreed.

"We can't last long anyway. Three minutes of no oxygen, three days no water, three weeks no food." Namra had spoken.

Isolation  • Jang Wujin | all of us are dead / on holdWhere stories live. Discover now