Chapter five.

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Y/n's pov.

I place the red bookmark between the pages as i hear the bell ring

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I place the red bookmark between the pages as i hear the bell ring. The bell ringing usually calls us down for our meals. I put the book back in its place before walking out. I scurry to the stairs, making it to the kitchen. I look ahead of me seeing the others already half way there, causing me to rush faster. I walk to my seat as everyone else does to theirs. We all stand behind them, looking down. My head rises as i head the rather loud steps approach. He walks ahead, causing grace to move over, letting him past. His hands place themselves on top of his chair, he pulls it back an inch before staring up at everyone. "Sit." he says.

Everyone pulls their chairs out before sitting down. I reach for my fork as i look up amongst the others. Allison was staring at Luther, she quickly smiled before looking down at her meal. I look over at five, he picks up some silverware, but quickly places it back down. He glances over towards dad, giving him a stare. I looked back down, taking a bite of food before eating it. Everyone continues towards eating their food and minding their business. All heads rise up and looo into fives direction as he bashes a knife into the table.

"Number five?" he calls out, "I have a question." he says, still glancing at him. "Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules." he replies. "No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson." he finishes, indicating the person who had been speaking on the weather and such. He drops the knife into its original place. "I want to time travel." i knew this wasn't going to go well. "No." he says without hesitation. "But i'm ready, i've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said." he stated, as he pushed his chair back. He makes an expression before disappearing and re-appearing next to him.

At this point everyone's looking in his direction, "See?" "A spatial jump is a trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel." Everyone looked back down continuing what they had been doing. "One is like sliding along the ice, the other is asking to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." he says, i understood absolutely nothing he just said, and by the looks of it five didn't either. He looks over at me, giving me a glance. "Well, i don't get it." he replies softly. "Hence the reason you're not ready." he says placing his cup down.

Vanya shakes her head as she glances up at him. He switches his glance from her back to him. "I'm not afraid." He defends, "Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even your mind, are far too unpredictable." he says, with a hint of frustration in his voice. "Now, i forbid you to talk about this anymore." He says after slamming his silverware on the table, and quickly glancing over at him. He makes a face before storming out of the room. I look over at him with wide eyes.

"Number five!" he calls out. "You haven't been excused." I watch as his body turns and quick to disappears. I rise from my chair as I quickly follow after him. "Number eight! Get back here." he shouts, i ignore his commands following after five. "Five!" i call out as he goes through the gates. "You coming with me?" he asks. "What are you tal-." before i can finish my sentence he grabs my hand taking me with him down the side walk. He reaches his hand out and blue electricity shines from his hands, i look around in awe as the season quickly changes to summer. He looks back and around observing his surrounding.

He scoffs while smiling, "Not ready, my ass." he says. he does it again, pushing through another portal, learning towards another season change, winter. "No way." i say. We continue walking observing the surroundings. He does it one last time, but this
time were both in shock. But not in the good way. My eyes widen as my jaw drops, and so does his. He steps back in confusion and fear, letting go of my hand.

"Holy shit." i mutter, "what the hell is this?" i question, looking over at him in horror. I glance back, everything... was gone. There were small fires surrounding the buildings and floors across. "I- i don't know." he says, his voice is shaky. He looks back, everything is crumbled, the doors, the walls, the windows, everything. Nobody in sight, nobody but us. "Come on!" he yells as he grabs my hand. We rush till we find the umbrella academy, well , what's left of it. We both look at everything in horror. Black smoke left the buildings, along with fires. "Vanya!" he shouts. "Ben! Dad!" i said nothing. I just stared at the surroundings in shock. What the fuck is this..? "Anyone?" he looks back at me, he jumps forward, but blue sparks come and go.

He tries again in desperation, but nothing. "Come on!" he shouts, "shit." i hear. he drops his hand in defeat. He looks around one last time, he glances back over at me. "We're stuck." i swallow the lump that had been stuck in my throat. The wind blowing around caused our hair to swoop with it. We both turn back around staring at the umbrella academy once more. I feel my hands shake, and five crumbles to the ground. I dropped to the ground with him, putting my hand out in hopes he'd reach for it. But instead he reaches over embracing me. "I'm sorry, y/n." he whispers as a sob whacks him.

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