Chapter Twenty Eight

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y/n's pov:

"Eh i'll get it

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"Eh i'll get it." Five says after hearing the sound of knocking at the door. I nod slightly as i take a sip out of my drink. He quickly comes back,  "You here to kill me?" he asks as he takes a seat once again. I look back to see Hazel holding a gun, "Oh. Shit. Sorry. Old habits." he says as he puts the gun back up. "Well, i can understand why you might feel that way, you know..." "Well, you attacked our house, tried to kill my family, and kidnapped my brother." five days, almost too calmly. "Well, there's not much i can do about the past. Don't forget i'm not the only killer in this room. You two got your own blood history, Pal." i look away as i clear my throat. "Speaking of which, that job you did in Calhoun, that shit's legendary. Can't believe im actually sitting here talking to you, after all-." "Hazel, why are you here?" Five asks as he interrupts him, i look to my left as i see Diego creeping up on Hazel. "Well, I'm, you know-." diego quickly kicks him in the side and Hazel falls to the floor as he grunts. "Diego, stop!" five shouts. "Get up!" Hazel rises up but is met with a kick in the face.

I scrunch my nose up, "Ouch." "You know, before you kill him, you might wanna hear what he has to say." Diego doesn't obey, instead he continues. "I'm gonna kill you for what you did to patch!" I glance over at Hazel who lifts his hand obviously indicating for help. "Or don't, see how that goes." five says, staring into his drink. "Are you gonna-." Hazel is cut off as he has to dodge hits being thrown at him. Suddenly he screams in pain as a knife is jabbed into his leg. "Ss. That's gotta hurt." "I know right." Hazel pulls the knife out of his leg quickly, but after is hit once again. I just kept watching in amusement. Hazel picks Diego up but suddenly starts shouting as diego chews on his ear. I can't help but chuckle, yet Five places his drink down before spatial jumping over with a glass, bashing diego on the head, causing him to fall to the ground as Glass spreads around him.  "I draw the line at biting." I take another sip from my drink. "Hazel, whatever you came here to say, i suggest you make it quick, before he comes around." he says, looking down at Diego's body as it lies on the ground. "I left my patter, quit the commission, i came to volunteer." "For what?" i ask. "To help stop the apocalypse." he brushes glass off his shoulder, five chuckles in response. "Hm." "What on earth could be so funny to you right now?" he asks as he tilts his head.

"Before i answer that, why do you wanna help us?" "Let's just say i have a vested interest in a doughnut shop." "Awh." "Well, i hate to break it to you, pal. But you're a day late and a dollar short." "The fact that you're here right now means, without a shadow or doubt. That the apocalypse is over." he says as he grins. "Really? How do you know?" "The mark is dead. Found him this morning. You were the last known unknown left in the equation." hazel chuckles as he looks away for a moment, "Shit. Really?" "Mhm. And if you're out, then Hellrider ain't riding." he exclaims, placing his drink down once again. "Oh!" he says in relief as he takes a deep breath. "All right." he laughs once again before taking a seat next to five. He reaches for the cup with the rest of the margarita left in it. "Oh." he says as he places it back down before sighing. "You know, to be honest, i don't know." "I've been chasing this thing for so long, i... i never really thought about the day after. I don't know. What about you?" "I'm done with all this madness. Time to start over. You two should do the same." "That's easier said than done."

I suddenly zone out, staring at the wall. I was trying to remember more from last night, i remembered it vaguely but then it all hits me like a train within a few seconds, everything that happened the night before. Vanya, Allison, Harold jenkins or Leonard peabody. Vanya slit Allison's throat out of frustration and out of control, which means she has powers. Dangerous ones in fact, considering she had no training with them either makes it worse. She can't control herself, she's not ready. And to think dad hid the fact she had powers away from her for years, but now it all Adds up. He isolated her, kept her away, hid her because he was scared of what she could have done to the ones around her. He knew how dangerous she was, even he was scared of her powers, so he had to get rid of them and the only way he could was convincing her she didn't have them. Of course i still think it was wrong of him to hide it from her, he could've taught her and helped her control them overtime.

"Y/n?" I whip my head around quickly as i come back to reality, raising a brow at the sound of my name. "You alright?" he asks. I nod slightly, i almost opened my mouth to tell him what happened, but i couldn't. I mean, what would happen if i told him? He'd probably freak because of what she did to Allison. Then he'd tell the others and they'd hunt her down. I didn't want that, i know Vanya didn't mean to do what she did, she just lost control over everything, she was full of emotions. Of course I'm upset that she did it to begin with, but, i felt sorry for her. The way she cried and shouted after, it filled my head for a moment. I swallow the lump in my throat, i needed to. She is our sister, they can't hate her that much over it, can they? "i- uh.." i turned over to look at him. "I just remembered everything that happened." his eyes widened slightly in short amusement. "What happened? What did he do?" he asks, i squint my eyes slightly in confusion. "What- who's he?" "Harold Jenkins, he did all of this, right?" my lips partially open, what was i expecting? They didn't know about Vanya's powers, and she doesn't seem like the type to slit her sisters throat either. They only suspected Him. "Vanya has powers." He looks confused, "How?" "All these years dad hid it from everyone, including her. But i can see why." i reply, he says nothing but brushes it off as he turns around in his chair. I look behind me due to the sound of Diego groaning. He lifts his head as he reaches for it, probably due to pain. "Good, you're up." Five days, "Ready for a drink now?" Suddenly diego jumps up, looking around. "Where is he?" "I let him go." "You what?" he asks in disbelief. "Now that the apocalypse is over, it's time for the fighting to stop." Diego quickly reaches for his knife, "Hey, he didn't kill patch. His partner cha-cha did." "So what?" "They we're both there that night." "This half of the partnership gave me both of their guns. Which will clear you, because the ballistics will match Patch's crime scene." he says, glancing over at the two guns lying on the counter.

"Hazel came here looking for a way out. He wanted a desk starts. And he happened to have in his possession to one thing that could do our family a little good. So it's time to move on." "Not a chance." he replies. "Suit yourself." five says, turning back around. "Can't Blame him, if the love of my life was shot and killed i'd want them bastards dead too. But i'd leave Hazel Alone." i say, shrugging as i Defend him. "Considering they tried to, maybe you should be on my side." he says, glancing between me and Five. I clear my throat before turning back around myself. "I am curious, your girlfriend, Patch." he says, picking up the Mannequin. "What did you like about her?" he asks, walking by him, catching a look from Diego. "A lot of things." he finally says, cute butt. Nice legs." i snicker at his comment. "Anything a little more profound than that?" he asks with a look, diego was silent for a moment. "She believed in people. No matter how much shit and filth she saw on the streets. She always saw the good inside." I felt sympathy wash over me for a moment. "Well, i'm sure she'll be proud to know that you're killing Hazel and Cha-cha as a way to honor her memory." Five sighs as he starts to walk off.


1513 words.

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