Christmas Problems

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7 years later:

It is Christmas time already and all I asked for this year is money. The years before have been the same. School, dates, homework, and all the other usual stuff the normal people have to go through. I'm saving up for new riding gear. Pudding lost his somewhere in the meadow and Pepper chewed her's up during a session in riding class. I'm not aloud to go riding without a adult and a gun. My parents fear for my safety because of what happened last time. Pepper seems to know exactly what happened even if she wasn't there. Pudding is as stubborn as a mule.

I might go into the barn and ride Pepper. I have to call Jacob to come ride with me because my parents aren't home.


Jacob said he would come and ride with me as long as I wanted but he still hasn't come yet. I might go on my own for a tiny bit just to see how Pepper does without someone else around.

"Ok girl, are you ready to ride?"

"* Neigh *"

"Ok, let's do this!"


Ok so I was probably out for a while because when I got back home my mom and Jacob were sitting on the couch looking at me in a emotion called, anger.

"What the heck do you think you were doing out there without me or Jacob!" My mom yelled.

Jacob went into the kitchen to cook some dinner for us because mom was to busy dealing with me.

"All I wanted was to see how Pepper did on our own!"

"Don't you ever do that again and don't you ever raise you voice at me!"

"You never listen! All you want is for me to stay a little girl! I'm not little anymore! I'm not going to always be here! STOP BEING A OVERPROTECTIVE MOTHER THAT DOESNT WANT THEIR CHILD TO BE ON THEIR OWN IN A WORLD LIKE THIS!"

That was when my mother did the most unpredictable thing ever. She slapped me!

"I'm sorry...I didn't...Thalia?"

"Don't...just don't!"

I went up to my room and packed my things. I grabbed all my stuff except for the things that reminded me of my mom. I also grabbed Pepper and Puddings gear. I hooked up the trailer to Jacob's truck, packed my things in the back seat, and told him to drive me to his house. He said he would be back to my mom's house to finish cooking dinner. He drove me to his house and told his mom that I would be living here. After he helped me unpack and get settled, he drove back to my moms and didn't come home till 9:00. I finished my dinner, got ready for bed, read a book, waited till Jacob got home, then went to bed. I had his older brothers old room. It was blue but at least that is my favorite color. I dreamt I was sitting on the bench in the park when all of the sudden Jacob asked me to marry him. I thought about it. That day at the park.

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