Pepper with a side of Pudding

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Jacob picked me up in his car and blindfolded me with a bandana. He said that we are going to a building that has free, wonderful, and amazing things. I couldn't figure it out. Where was Jacob taking me and what are we going to get.

As soon as we got in the store, I could smell a awful smell of dirt, hay, and poo. Jacob told me to undo my blindfold and open my eyes.

"Oh my cupcakes! She is so mesmerizing and magical!"

"Her name is Pepper. You like her?"

"Like her? I love her!"

Pepper was a beautiful white horse with black speckles. She was so sweet and free of charge. I took her home to show her to... Another horse? Mom must have bought me a horse too but this one was a handsome colt. He was full black and his name is Pudding. I fell asleep early to break both horses and maybe get them to know each other. YAY!

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