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"Hey Mickie! Want to give me another kiss or maybe punch me again?"

"SHUTUP! I don't want to do anything with or to you because you are so dumb to think that I would fall for a person like you, Jacob!"

"Aww, now baby, don't be like that. All I said was that I think you're pretty and so very talented."

"Ya, sure you did! Just like you said you didn't start kissing me first!"

"You know you love me and you love how my lips touch yours like a silky flower petal in May. You love it when I softly hold your hand in mine or how I whisper in your ear and sweet talk you into kissing me. You love me and you know it Mickie!"

"No I don't, and my name's not Mickie! It's Thalia!"

"Well your name is mighty fine but I think mine is better."

"You think everything is fine! You think your name, your car, your hair, your..."

As soon as I was about to tell Jacob the thing he needed to hear, he grabbed me be my hand, pulled my to him close, grabs my waist, and kissed me on my lips! How many times is this boy going to kiss me? Ok so maybe I didn't try go run away or punch him again, so what! I just went with the flow and kissed him too with no resistance or temptation to pull away. I may have a slight crush on him and maybe I would like to marry him one day but who wouldn't? He is so hot! Like summer hot, hot!

"You want to come over tonight, meet my parents, and have dinner?"

"Sure. I would like that," I announced.

"Ok. I will come pick you up around...8:30?"

"Fine by me."

"Ok. Bye babe, love you."


Was I supposed to say I love him too? I didn't! Does that make me a bad person? Too late now but it's not too late to go home and start getting ready!

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