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I woke up to mom sleeping on a pull out bed with dad, who was still invisible, and Jacob on the chair fast asleep. All the sudden I felt as if I had been stabbed.


"You ok?" Jacob asked.

I must of woke up just Jacob because my parents were still asleep.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"



After everyone was awake, the doctor came In and told me I could go home because everything was fine with me. I was happy about that but not about my horse.

Home was not as happy as I thought it would be because GingerSnap was the light of my life and I hated that now I would never see her again and I will never see her beautiful light ever again either. They say home is where the heart is but my heart was set somewhere else. Out in the woods where my horse lie on the ground, dead, decomposing, and forever alone.


Jacob called me and told me he was going to pick me up tomorrow and take me somewhere special for something that I can have. I wondered what it might be. I read a book and fell fast asleep. I dreamt I was riding GingerSnap in a competition. She won but then she ran. She ran from ME.

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