Wedding planning

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Omg omg omg! I have to do so much to get ready for the wedding! I have to get a dress, cake, bridesmaids, maid of honor, decorations, flowers, veil, ring, balloons, bubbles, a photographer, a recorder, write a poem, practices a duet with Jacob, save the date, party supplies, rent a ballroom for party, add a date for church, rehearsal, and then the rest is what Jacob has to get or buy. I didn't have a lot of sleep last night because I was too busy worrying about the wedding.

Last night I had a dream that me and Jacob were getting married and when he had to say "I do" he ran off the stage and away from our wedding and I never saw him again. I woke up and didn't go back to sleep. If that really happens at my wedding day, I will never find my real true love or look at a boy again.

I am so bored of doing work. Being engaged is so hard. So far I have more than I can handle but I'm sure it'll get better. My day has been busy and I have been over stressed. Love is a hard thing to accomplish and to have without arguing or fights. I love Jacob as much as I love animals, which is a whole bunch! Planning is a hard thing to do too because you have to save up for the things and sometimes when your wedding is at a unusual time or date, the wedding may be canceled or pushed back for a couple days, weeks, months, or worse even years! I would not be able to stand having a wedding not on the day I want it.

If my wedding is messed up because of rain or anything else, I might just go crazy. The things I have to stay away from are: lizards, umbrellas open inside, going under a ladder, and other bad luck signs on my wedding day. I don't want a big wedding or a small wedding just a ordinary size wedding. Family isn't a big thug since me and Jacob's families are somewhat small. Somewhere between 50-70 people are going to be at our wedding.

My mom always said that once you get married, it's like a fairy tale. You think it's all a fake dream, but really it's your happily ever after come true.

Maybe it will be like that for me and Jacob. My only hope is that my dream doesn't come true.

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