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Jacob was five minuets late and I like being exact on everything but since this was probably his first date, I took it easy on him this time. He has a white mustang with a power cruiser and shift motion auto wheels. Ok so who cares if I know a lot about cars! Girls have weird hobbies too! On our way there he talked to me like I was a new iPhone 34 or something like that.

Sweet talk ✔️
Sick ride ✔️
Romantic music on radio ✔️
Stars and moon ✔️
Fresh cool breeze ✔️
Tux and prom dress ✔️
Chocolate and flowers ✔️

He was like a Prince Charming out of a fairy tale come true. He is everything I wanted.

"So how is your day so far?"


"I said how is your day so far?"


He turned the music down which was blasting.

"Sorry the music was blocking my words. I said how is your day so far?"


"That's it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing interesting?"

"Well nothing until you came in."

"Aww your too kind darlin."

"Yeah I know."

We both laughed at that and turned the music back on.


The diner we went to was called 'Café Dú Mond' and it was amazing! I had the seaweed salad, like always, while Jacob had the Bin Fron Gene. Whatever that is. He said it was a chicken and cheese melt with spinach roasted on a egg and onion mixture. Sounded pretty gross to me. For a drink I had a sprite but he had sparkling grape juice which is pretty fancy. After that we went to the movies and watched 'Prim and the Paris Gentleman' which was a movie about how a American girl named Prim met this French boy named Agonstow and they married, had five kids, and died. It was sad but I had Jacob's shoulder to thank for that.

I met his parents and they were very nice. They offered to take me home but Jacob said he had one last surprise to show me so he would take me home because we had to drive to the surprise. The surprise was a diamond necklace that was made in England with real diamonds and a real gold chain around them! He put the necklace around my neck and said that it looked most beautiful on me. He took me home around 12:00 and told me to go to LakeFeild park tomorrow at 10:00 and bring my horse, GingerSnap, too. I wonder why I have to bring her unless I'm going to ride her. We said our goodnights and goodbyes and I went inside to get some sleep.

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