August 17, 1931

96 3 0

Ten-year-old Bea swiped an apple from a vendor, intending on saving it for later when she absolutely needed it.

Unfortunately, this time, the vendor was onto her. "Hey! Get back here!"

Phillip and his brother were walking past and saw the young girl being cornered.

A blond boy ran up and tried giving his money, but several boys rallied around and took the dough.

The two started fighting, but clearly weren't going to win.

The brothers exchanged a look and went to help.

Bucky and Phillip both punched a bully and they ran away, glaring at the four.

Bea huffed as she stood and dusted herself off. "I didn't need your help."

Phillip stared at her. "You're welcome."

"I said I didn't need your help."

"But I helped anyway. My name is Phillip. This here is my brother James, goes by Bucky."

"I'm Steve, and this is Beatrice, but call her Bea unless you want a fist to the jaw," Steve said. "Made that mistake the first time meeting her."

"Nice to meet you, Bea."

She huffed as Bucky asked, "Why were you stealing an apple?"

"For food," she replied. "I thought that much obvious."

"You don't have enough at home?"

Bea glanced at Steve with a panicked expression and he said, "A lot of folks are struggling. Bea's one of them. It was nice to meet you, but we should go."

As Bea and Steve walked away, Phillip said, "Not every day you save a starving girl and a scrawny boy."

"No it isn't," Bucky replied.

"You think we made a couple friends with them?"

"Hard to say for her, but yeah. I think we managed to in Steve."

"I think given time she'll come around."

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