December 24, 1933

72 3 0

Bea curled up under her thin blanket and shivered.

She suddenly felt as though she was flying and blinked away flakes of white to see Phillip carrying her.

"I don't need your help," she said.

"Bea, would you stop being so goddamn stubborn and let someone help?"

She shivered in his arms and he pulled her closer, doing his best to cover her with the blanket.

He walked into his and Bucky's home and wrapped a thicker blanket around her.

Bucky walked in with a bowl of soup and hot coffee.

Bea tried to lift her spoon, but her hands were so cold that she could barely do so. It was worrisome enough that she was tempted to dunk her hand in the bowl of hot soup.

Phillip pulled up a chair and began feeding her, much go her annoyance.

"Where'd you find her?" Bucky asked.

Phillip glanced up at him. "The alley. I've had my suspicions for awhile."

"Why were you in an alley, Bea?"

Bea caught his eye, then looked away as she said, "I don't have a home. Haven't for awhile."

"Stay with me and Buck," Phillip offered. "We'd take care of you, Bea. A young dame like you shouldn't be alone out there, especially not in this time of year."

Bea met his eyes and slowly nodded. She sipped the coffee and winced. "That's awful."

Phillip laughed and took the coffee and soup back, putting them on a table. Bea laid down on the bed and started closing her eyes. He covered her with the blanket and stood watch over her until he knew she was asleep.

Something about her, despite her seeming hatred of him drew her to him and he hoped to become friends with her as the years went on.

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