the lion king part 2

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Amity pov
I get back to pride rock and go see  belos

Amity: hey uncle Belos

Belos: what

Amity: my dad showed me the whole kingdom

Belos: did you go the the shadow area

Amity: he said i can't go there

Belos: he's right a elephant graveyard

Amity: woah a elephant graveyard

Belos: i said too much  Amity promise me won't go to that place

Amity: no problem

Amity ran off and went to the area with cubs and mothers

Amity: hi luz i found a really cool place

Luz: I'm in the middle of my bath

Odalia: it's time for yours

My mom picked me up and started to lick me

Amity: mom I'm clean now

Odalia: where is this cool place

Amity: the wateringhole

Luz: the wateringhole

Amity: i will show you when we get there

Luz: mom can i go

Eda: ask Odalia

Luz and amity: please

Odalia: fine but king is going with you

Luz: not king

We were walking

King: look at you too little seeds of romance blossoming in the safari your parents well be thrilled
You be betrothed and all

Amity: what

Luz: meaning

King: one day you two will be married

Luz: yuck

Amity: ew i can't marry her she's my friend

Luz: yeah it would be weird

Amity: when I'm queen that will be the first to go

Amity and luz ran off

We got to the elephant graveyard

Luz: this is creepy and we could get in trouble

Amity: i know

Luz: i wonder if its brains are still in there

Amity: lets check it out

King: the only checking is to check out of here this is way out of the pridelands

King: we are in danger

Amity: ha danger i laugh at the sight of danger

Then the hyenas came out

Boscha: look what we go here

Steve: who are you

Amity: future queen

Boscha: do you know want we do to queens that step out of your kingdoms

We ran away from the hyenas

Me and luz tried to climb a mountain of bones then luz fell

Luz: amity help me

I ran up to boscha and scratched her cheek we ran into a dead end

Steve: show us your roar

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