tangled part 2

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Luz pov
Me and edric and hunter were jumping onto the roof of the castle

Luz: guys i want a castle

Edric: you can buy your own castle after we do this

Hunter: come on

I got lowered down and i grabbed the crown then the guards ran after us

We got trapped at a dead end

Luz: give me a boost up

Hunter: give us the crown

Luz: i can't believe you don't trust me

I gave him the crown i got up there

Edric: help us up

Luz: sorry my hands are full

I got the crown

I ran away and they got caught by the guards

I ran through some vines and i saw a tower i climbed it and i stepped into the window then i got hit in the head and i blacked out

Amity pov
I was painting then i heard someone come through the window i hit them on the head
I look down it was a woman
She opened her eyes and hit her on the head again and put her in the closet

Amity: i have a person in my closet  can't handle myself out there mother say that to my frying pan

I hit myself with frying pan then i saw the crown on the ground and i put it on my head then i heard my mom and i hide the crown

Terra: hello flower

Amity: mom i have to show you something  you know how i can't  handle myself

Terra: amity don't talk about the stars

Amity: i really want to show you something

Terra: enough Amity your never leaving this tower

Amity: what i really want is new paints

Terra: that is a 3 day trip

Amity: that's all I want for my birthday

Terra: ok love you

Amity: love you too

Terra left

I tied up the woman

Luz pov
I woke up and i saw a demon licking my ear the demon jumped down and i saw hair everywhere

Luz: hair

Amity: who are you and how did you find me

The woman got closer holding a frying pan

Luz: hi I'm luz and i don't how i found you i just saw a tower and climbed it

Luz: where is the crown

Amity: i hid it where you will never find it

Luz: it's in the pot

I got hit in the head again then i woke up and the demon licked my ear

Luz: will you stop that

Amity: listen up luz you will act as my guide and take me to the kingdom to see the floating lights and i will give you the crown back do we have a deal

Luz: fine

I climbed down the tower

Luz: are you coming

Amity pov
King was hanging onto my back and i grabbed my hair and jumped down when i got to the bottom i started running around

Amity: best day ever

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