tangled part 1

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Amity (rumpunzel)
Luz (flynn rider)
Alador  ( king)
Odalia (qween)
Terra snapdragon (mother

King (pascal)

Edric and hunter (stabbington brothers)
Gus ( hook hand)

Luz: hi I'm luz and this story how i died actually this is a story  about a girl named Amity

Once upon a time  king Alador and queen Odalia were going to have a baby then queen Odalia got very sick and  king Alador send guards to find a magic flower

There is a lady named terra she used the flower to keep her young

She tried to cover the flower the cover and she knocked over the cover and the guards found the flower

The guards put the flower in a soup and gave it to queen Odalia then she had the baby and they named her Amity

That night Terra sneaked into the castle and tried to cut a piece of hair and it turned brown she took the girl and the queen and king woke up and she was gone the king send guards out they couldn't find her
Terra keep her in a tower in the woods

Terra: you must stay here flower

Amity: ok mama

That night
Amity looked out the window and saw the floating lights

Years later

Amity pov
Me and king are playing hide and seek

Amity: king where are you

King: you will never find me
I walked to the window

Amity: i guess i can't find him

I walked away

King: i won

I grabbed king

Amity: i won thats 2 out of 3

King: I'm bored

Amity: what do you want to do

King: go outside

Amity: no I'm like it in here and so do you

King: nope

Amity: come on king its not so bad in here

We cleaned baked cookies and painted

Then i heard Terra

Terra: amity let down your hair

Amity: king go hide upstairs

King: ok

Amity: coming mom

I let down my hair and she climbed up

Amity: mother i have something to tell you

Terra: mama is feeling drained can you sing for mommy

Amity: yes

Terra brushed my hair and i sang fast

Terra: amity

Amity: mother it's my birthday today

Terra: can't be your birthday was last year

Amity: birthdays are a yearly thing and i want to go out and see the floating lights

Terra: you mean the stars

Amity: i tracked stars and these only are on my birthday i think there something special about them

Terra: you can't leave this tower

Terra left the tower

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