lady and the tramp part 1

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Amity (lady)
Luz (tramp
Alador (Jim dear)
Odalia ( darling)
Eda and Lilith (  cats )
Terra snapdragon (aunt Sarah)
Gus (jock)
Hunter (trusty)
Boscha (peg)
King (tony)

One night on Christmas eve a couple was opening presents

Alador: it's for you Odalia merry Christmas

Odalia: oh Alador  it's the one i was admiring trimmed with ribbon

Alador: well it has a ribbon

Odalia: oh how sweet
She picked up amity

Alador: you like her Odalia

Odalia: oh i love her

Amity licked Alador's hand

Alador put a dog bed in the spare room
Amity ran after him

Alador: come on Amity over here

Amity got closer and Alador grabbed her

Alador: that's a good girl

He put her in the bed

Alador: nice little bed

Odalia: but Alador are you sure she will be warm enough

Alador: of course she'll be
Snug as a bug in a oh no almost forgot something

He put down a newspaper on the ground

Alador: good night Amity

Alador: don't worry Odalia she will go right to sleep

They left and amity ran through the door

Alador grabbed amity and put her on back to bed

Alador: no no Amity this is where you belong

Alador left and amity  ran through the door

Odalia: oh look she is lonesome  don't you think maybe just for tonight

Alador: now Odalia if we're going to show here who's master we must be firm from the start

Alador shut the door and put a chair in front of the door

Amity ran into the door and she couldn't open the door she started  howling

Alador: amity stop that now

Amity keep howling

Alador: amity quiet now you hear me back to bed

Amity ran back to bed

Alador: not one more sound

Amity pushed on the door and got out

She ran up to the bedroom and she barked and howled

Odalia: Alador

Alador: all right remember just for tonight

He put her on his bed

A couple years later

Amity woke up and tried to wake up Alador  she pulled on his pjs

Alador: ok Amity I'm up oh no

Odalia: what wrong Alador

Alador: can't you explain to amity about  Sundays

Amity ran outside and barked at the birds and she grabbed the newspaper and took it Alador

Odalia: i think it's time for Amity to get her collar

Alador: yes

Alador grabbed the collar and put it on her

Odalia: she looks beautiful

Alador: she is growing up

Amity pov
I ran to the house next door i ran to the back yard i found gus digging a hole for his bone

Amity: hello guz

Gus: hi amity

Amity: do you see anything different about me

Gus: did you get a bath

Amity: nope

Gus: i don't know

Amity shaked her collar

Gus: amity you got your collar lets go tell hunter

We go to hunters house he was having a dream

Hunter: i will get you i will sniff him out

Amity: what's wrong with hunter

Gus: he nose doesn't work anymore

Hunter woke up and started to run around me and gus

Hunter: where did he go

Amity: who

Hunter: i big guy

Gus: hey hunter Amity got her collar

Hunter: you look pretty in that collar

Amity: i have to go home

I went home

Luz pov
I woke up by the tracks and i went for a walk i stop by a pet store and saw puppies

Luz: aww your so cute

I walked to kings restaurant and i went to the back entrance

King: hello do you want a bone

He throw a bone and i caught it and ate it then i went down the street and i saw the dog catcher
And i saw boscha in a cage

Boscha: help me luz

Luz opened the cage

Luz: go i will distract him

Boscha: thanks

The door catcher ran after me i ran into a backyard

Amity pov
I was laying on the grass then hunter and gus came up to me

Gus: what's wrong Amity

Amity: Alador and Odalia have been acting weird they yelled at me they never yell at me

Gus: they have a bun in the oven

Amity: what

Hunter: what he means they are have a baby

Amity: what is a baby

A stray dog walked up to us

Luz: a baby is a little human and dogs with get blamed for everything
Stop you'll wake the baby

Gus ran up to the dog

Gus: get out of here

Luz: calm down I'm just saying baby moves in and the dog moves out

The dog left

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