Chapter 3: Something wrong with mei (pt 1)

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Ghost: *Sigh* promise never do that, again?

Ming: Look, I have no choice. I don't want to put my daughter danger.

Alex: Yeah, like that embassy siege, before.

Ming: So, you telling me, that they're targeting their own in Verdansk?

Ghost: Yes, that's the one. The City was quickly became an warzone

Ming: oh, I'm so sorry about that.

Ghost: *sighs* Thanks for understanding, Ming.


While Ghost explaining how Operators in Verdansk, he explains it was Zakhaev plan and Gas was eventually released so people fighting against each other, Ghost tells Ming that he saw a US Military dead body and he tells price about it. Mei was in her room, busying upset at herself for drawing herself with Devon. To make matters worse, she worried about how Alex saw all of that! Because he was to first to see that?!

Mei: You sicko! What were you thinking?! Why would you draw those things?! Those horrible, awful, sexy things?! And Alex saw all of that! What would he think of me now?! But Ghost wasn't.... See it!

After considering moving to another city and change her identity, yelling in her pillow, tearfully apologizing to a picture of Ming, and some more pillow yelling, Mei ripped all of the drawing pages of her and Devon in the trash bin before throwing the entire notebook in it.

Mei: This will never happen again.


Meanwhile in 2020

Washington DC, USA

Secretary: Sir "Project Time" is now underway.

President: Hm, Tell me if was successful or not, I want my men home in one piece.

Secretary: Yes sir, and according to this project that thing will head back to time, like years. And we manage to test them from undisclosed location. We don't know what's in there.

President: Yeah, Just keep me updated later on.

Secretary: Will do.

US Commander: Sir, Bad news.

President: What is it?

US Commander: There's a outbreak in Verdansk, happened 2 days ago. They told There. Are cannibalistic People and entities

President: Wait, what?!


Back in 2002

Ghost wake up the next morning smell the breakfast

Ghost: hm? I smell breakfast.

Ming: Yes it is!

Ghost almost mask himself but only seeing a mouth only which Alex saw

Alex: Saw, that

Ghost: Shut up. [To Ming] Ming, is Mei-Mei awake?

Ming: She's still asleep. Mei-mei, are you awake?

Alex: I'll brought a lighter

Alex went a bathroom to have cigarettes

Ming: Breakfast is ready. [Sees Jin is about eat doubts] Hey no sugar

Mei: [afar]: Coming.

They didn't notice mei as she doesn't know she's a red panda, but when she's enter the bathroom and yawn, Alex Gasps and shock.

Alex: (Scared) M-m-m-mei-mei.

Mei: Why are you scared, Bugs? Anything?

Alex: No! (Whispers) Look at the mirror!

She looks and shocked as she's red panda

Mei and Alex: [both screamed]

Alex: Oh my god, oh my god!

Mei: This isn't happening, this isn't happening!

Alex: Wake Up Mei! *Slaps

Mei: Ow!

Ghost went to Bathroom door

Ghost: Alex, Mei!

Mei: No! Don't come here!

Ghost: What the bloody heck are they doing? [In mind] are they in trouble? Nah I'll find out later

Ming: Ghost. I'll handle it (move Ghost out of her way) Mei-mei, what's going on, honey? Are you suck? Is it a feve-

Ghost: Hey! I've been a fever 5 times since I was a kid

Ming: Hey will you let me finish first? is it a fever? A stomach ache? Chills? Constipation?

Alex: Heck, No!

Mei: No!

Ming: Wait, Is it... That?

Ghost: *sees Jin* (In mind) Oh Jin, you just ate a doubt.

Ming: did the red peony bloom?

Mei: No!

Alex: *whispers to mei* hey! Hey hey! (To Ming) Maybe, It is!

Ming: [gasps] But it's too soon. Don't worry, Mei-Mei. I'll get everything you need. Mommy's here. [to Jin] Jin. Jin! It's happening! Ghost, go to that cabinet!

Ghost: Got it! I know what it is?

While Ghost and Jin got the supplies out of the cabinet, Mei attempted to escape from the bathroom to prevent her mother from finding out, but her gigantic size prevented her from squeezing out the window.

Mei: [straining] Come on! Please! [groans]

Alex: Come on! You can do it!

Ming: Mei-Mei, I'm coming.

Alex: Crap! hide!

Mei: Crud.

Ming: I'm coming.

Mei: No!

Mei stepped into the bathtub and hid behind the shower curtain. Ming then entered the restroom.

Ming: It's going to be okay.

Me and Alex: No, it's not! Will you just get out?

Ming: Excuse me?

Mei: (splutter) I didn't mean that. I'm a gross red monster!

Alex: One Moment [enters the tub and to Mei] Stop it! Stop talking! *slaps*

Mei: ow.

Alex went out of bathroom and sit on floor

Ghost: You okay?

Alex: Stop. Don't make a mistake


Somewhere in 2020

Price: Now, where's Ghost?

Gaz: He's in Toronto 2002, but we have to wait for mission to start in 2 weeks

Price: Okay then.

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