Chapter 6: Disaster

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May 18th, 2002

At home, Mei prepared to go to Tyler's party but under the guise of going to a mathletes meeting at Miriam's house. Mei told Task Force 141 all about this in her room with Ming not knowing about it.

Alex: A birthday party? Really?

Mei: Come on, Alex! This will get us enough to go to that concert!

Ghost: But Mei, what happens if something bad happens there?

Mei: Relax, Ghost. It's just a simple in-and-out!

Alex: Just like Urzikstan in '19... (2019) [sighs] Alright, let's do this.

Alex, Ghost and Mei went out the room and walked to the doorway. Ming and Jin were at the dining table with dinner on the table.

Mei: Okay, I'm heading off to mathletes! See you later!

Ming: Wait, what about dinner? I made all your favorites.

Gaz: Even for me

Mei: [gasps] Thanks, but Miriam's dad is, uh, ordering pizza. Save me leftovers?

Price: that's right.

Ming: [suddenly] What if I come with you?

Mei: Whaaaa-?

Ghost: That wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Mei: Ghost!

Farah: What? We need all the help we could get for this competition.

Ming: What is Alex going over? Linear equations? Geometry? I have a double-jointed elbow! Look! [makes a circle with her lower arm] I can make a perfect circle!

Seeing Ming do that made 141 and Mei a little dizzy

Price: In think I'm gonna be sick!

Mei: [sarcastically] Wow! Yeah, but it'll be super boring. Uh, wouldn't you want to hang out with Dad?

Jin: [mouth full] Huh?

Ming: [after a few seconds] Let's get my flashcards.

Mei: But...

Alex: Let's get going.

The five went out of the house and while they walked to the entrance to exit, Ming bragged about her feats as a professional mathlete when she was Mei's age. During this, Mei tried to think of excuses to prevent her mom from going with her and Team.

Ming: I was mathletes champ when I was in the grade, you know.

Mei: Uh-huh.

Ming: They called me the "Uncommon Denominator."

Alex: Sounds like mines for the CIA: the "monster of America." Since 80s

Price: for me Like SAS the "Black Death of Snipers"

Mei: Cool. Oh, uh, Jade Palace is on tonight. Can't miss that, right?

Ming: Now, who's the weakest link? Priya and Abby seem bright enough, but...

Mei: Oh, and traffic's a nightmare. I can just take the streetcar. You stay and rest.

Ming: [inhales] Miriam... I mean, she's a nice girl, but maybe she's slowing you down.

Ghost: With all due respect, everyone played an equal part. Lad!

Ming: Is that so?

Mei: Oh, Mom, you don't really have to come. I already have Adler.

Ming: Don't be silly. We're already on the way.

Mei then stepped in front of Ghost, Price, Alex and Ming and extended her arms.

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