Chapter 29: Melina

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A/N: Melina out here trying to social engineer like a mofo.


Melina was not exactly surprised when her chosen champion tarried more than once even after their last time together. The way he had taken her, forceful and most... energetic, had left there no doubt of the dynamic between them. Not that the kindling maiden truly minded, not one bit. Her purpose was to burn bright but also quick. Her only goal was to fulfill the reason for her existence.

In that regard, she only had a limited amount of time left. But it wasn't like she or her Tarnished were actually on any sort of time LIMIT, per say. No, it was more that... their journey could go on for as long as it needed to, but it would eventually come to an end. For her at least, if not for him. In truth, she hoped it would not come to an end for him. She wanted him to live on, to continue after she was gone. It was... one of her greater hopes, these days.

Even still, even without any sort of time limit to their pact, Melina would not deny... it felt right, to finally reach Leyndell. The Royal Capital, lying beneath the Erdtree. Once, long ago, it had been the seat of government and administrative center for not just Altus Plateau, but the entirety of the Lands Between... save for the forbidden lands, of course.

Long ago, when Queen Marika the Eternal had still reigned, all had been united beneath her and her Golden Order. From Caria to Caelid, all had ultimately submitted to Queen Marika's rule. There had been peace, glorious lasting peace. And then it had all begun to fall apart. Godfrey, First Elden Lord was exiled. Radagon betrayed Rennala. Godwyn the Golden died. And the Shattering commenced.

The Lands Between had suffered, and Leyndell and Altus Plateau were no different. Sure, the land might still seem golden, but the decay and rot were still there, resting just beneath the surface. An Omen called himself King of the Capital, and the Erdtree... the path to the Erdtree was barred.

Melina knew this. Of course she did. Was she not OF the Erdtree? Was she not born there for her purpose, so very long ago? Perhaps she should have been honest with her Tarnished. But no. This was the way forward. This was the path they must take. Her champion needed to see what there was to see for himself. And he surely would, once Morgott was defeated. First though, Melina would be forced to play up the farce a little while more, to properly... motivate her Tarnished into enacting her will and reaching the Erdtree.

As he settles down at the Site of Lost Grace located just within Leyndell's Eastern Ramparts, Melina allows herself to appear before him, descending gracefully to her knees at his side.

"My utmost thanks, my Tarnished. You have done well for bringing me this far... to the base of the Erdtree."

He looks at her, solemn. Almost as if he knows what she is to say next. But then to be fair, he probably does know, doesn't he? Their accord was... quite clear. And while she could not turn runes into strength for one such as him, she had given her chosen champion what she could of this fleeting existence she laid claim to.

"Here, I can govern my own movement. And thus, the accord is fulfilled."

Ducking her head, Melina glances up at her Tarnished with her one open eye, pursing her lips together.

"This is farewell, I suppose. I shall depart now to ascertain the purpose I was given. I would like it if you kept Torrent. And... I wish you luck in realizing your ambition. You have fought long and hard to get here. I have no doubt you will become Elden Lord. May your strength see you to the throne."

Even as her words leave her lips, they feel false to her. And not just because she's being deceptive and two-faced. Indeed, Melina knew already that the Tarnished would not be able to get through the brambles. She knew, because she had been made to destroy those very brambles and she could not do so here, in this place.

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