Bonus Chapter #1: Hyetta

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A/N: PLEASE READ! This first bonus chapter takes place PRE-CANON. Meaning that it happens in one of the Tarnished's other runs before the Final Run takes place. Might be the 999,999th run, in fact.

Also, it turned out a bit more bitter than sweet on the whole bittersweet thing. If I did it right, this should tug at your heartstrings at least a little bit...


Hands held in front of her, riding gloves protecting her fingers and a shawl covering her body, Hyetta stands with her back against a rock she's found. Her eyesight, weak since birth, had allowed her that much at least. Still, she can do nothing more than fumble around in the dark. Except, more recently, she'd discovered a path forward.

Unfortunately, it relied upon the forbearance of others...

Just as that thought comes to her, Hyetta startles, hearing the sound of boots pressing into the grass nearby. Perking up, she calls out to the passerby.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

She's quick to introduce herself. People are much less likely to harm you, if they feel any familiarity with you... right?

"My name is Hyetta, and I'm journeying in search of the distant light."

Now... for the important part. The request.

"If I might be do bold as to ask... would you donate any Shabriri grapes in your possession to me? My eyesight has been weak since birth, you see. I can't tell which way I'm supposed to go next."

Twas true. She had felt so lost when she had first awoken in this strange place. Barely aware of who she was, let alone where she was, Hyetta had been cast adrift. And yet, when a Shabriri Grape had found its way into her possession, and she'd taken a chance on it...

"When I eat one of those grapes, I can feel a distant light in the back of my eyes. It will lead me, to my true duty, as a Finger Maiden."

Yes, of that much Hyetta was sure. She was meant for more than this wandering. She was meant to be a guide, even with her lacking sight. She was-

Hyetta stiffens, and then gasps when she feels something familiar pressed into her hands by the silent stranger. She fights back the initial instinct to consume the Shabriri grape right then and there. After all, she has manners, doesn't she? She was sure she was raised to be a good, respectable girl.

"Oh, many thanks to you, kind stranger. Now I can feel that distant light once more. You are most kind, most kind indeed. May the blessing of the Fingers be upon you."

The stranger does not respond, even as she feels him depart, his presence vanishing from her senses. Only once he's gone, does she consume the Shabriri grape. A breathy sigh leaves Hyetta's lips, as the delectably sweet, yet also searing grape goes down her gullet. Once more, that distant light shows her the path forward. She knows where to go now... so it's best that she be on her way as well, isn't it?


The second time she meets the stranger, she doesn't realize it's him, at first. Only after he's cut her off mid-spiel and pressed another grape into her hands does she recognize his fingers, the strength in his grasp. She catches his hands with hers before he can fully retreat and holds him fast. Perhaps its too forward of her. Certainly, Hyetta feels embarrassed the moment she does it. But he goes still and doesn't try to pull away, nor does he try to reprimand her.

He is... so different from the others. Hyetta can't help the tentative smile that crosses her lips as she 'gazes', unseeing, in the direction she believes his face to be.

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