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    THE MOSSY COBBLESTONE PATH HAD LED THEM STRAIGHT TO THE HANGAR WHERE THE VICEROY WAS ABOUT TO ENTER HIS SHIP. The environment around them was filled with hysteria, mostly Separatist droids panicking that they were going to be cut by the Jedi's lightsaber. Astrid and Anakin creep along with the dark shadows of the stone walls, avoiding being caught and ruining their chances at capturing the Viceroy.

    Astrid glances at Anakin who nods, his hand moving to his lightsaber. In a swift motion, Astrid shoots at Anakin who then reflects the shots to the droids in the hangar. It was an unspoken plan that they had come up with. Soon the droids were on the ground unmoving.

    The duo quickly ran up the ship, weapons clutched tightly in their hands. The engines turn on, blowing wind and kicking up pebbles from the ground. Astrid raises her arms to cover her eyes from the flying debris, but they still begin to water from the dust blowing into them.

    She waits to hear the sound of the engine getting further but it seems to stay in the same place. The confusion gets replaced with awe when she moves her arms to see the ship being pulled down back into the hangar by Anakin's Force. His hand was shaking and his face strained with effort.

    The ship's engine fails, letting it sputter and spit onto the ground. Anakin lets go of his invisible hold on the ship, chest heaving. The door of the ship opens and the Viceroy steps out accepting his fate.

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