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Now we stalk him 

Name:  Kody Bandello

Age: 17

Sexuality: Panromantic/Asexual

Pronouns: He/they

Height: 5'2

Birthday: January 7

Likes: Y/n, chocolate, sugar wafers, Y/n, cats, fish, triangles, fantasy books, Y/n, movies, candy, mother mother, Dream mcyt, Y/n, drawing

Dislikes: Hunter, dogs, loud noises, sad movies, Tommyinnit, Hunter, Mom, cheaters

Favorite food: Mac & Cheese with chocolate cake and kool-aid

Background: His mom always hit him and blamed him for his little sister's death, calling him weak and cowardly. His father is gone, with another family called the Corduroy. He's rarely allowed outside the house, but the day you saw him, he snuck out. He has a little brother who he loves dearly, but doesn't get to see him. He's never had a crush, and the way he learned to love someone was obsessively because of his mom with her old ex-husband. He thinks it's the right way. He once killed someone breaking into the house. Turns out it was his cousin. Coming because his mom needed him. Huh. He also has a cat named Nibbles, who he loves very much. But it doesn't like him much



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Motto: "Every day is a second chance, if you think about it."

Morals: "ONLY hurt people if they really deserve it"

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