Meeting the guys

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^Alleys pic^
-alleys pov-

We where still in the car and it been 30 minutes of driving. Blake still won't answer any of my questions. He just keeps telling me that 'I'll see soon enough'. He's not talking to me the most he will say is that I'll see soon enough then he's back to being silent.

"Blake please tell me where we are going we have been in this car for 30 minutes"

" alley where almost there"

I don't know what he's talking about where are in the middle of no where.
He stopped the car and I took a look around.  It looked like an old warehouse there was a bar that had been build in the warehouse. Then there was a race track that looked like it went on forever.

"Alley com on" Blake called me

"Coming" I yelled back running his way

As soon as I got to him he pulled the warehouse door open. There were race cars lined up. There was about 6 cars in there. Blake walked up to a red and black one and started it. Right then the doors pulled open and 4 guys walked in they looked like they where Blakes age.
Blake got out of the car and greeted the guys.
"Hey man what's up" one asked Blake he was tall and had blonde hair but what amazed me was his blue eyes.

"Hey" the second one said to Blake he had brown hair and was as tall as Blake which is pretty tall he had dark eyes

"Well hello there Beautiful" the guy standing by the guy that had said hey to Blake said to me. Blake got by me and stared at the guy.

"This is my sister alley" Blake told the guys.

"Alley this is Brent" he pointed to the first guy that talk a couple of minutes ago.

"This is Jason and Nike" he pointed to the boys

"And this is Aidan" he told me

All the guys say hi to me then turn to Blake how is working on the car.

"Blake who's car is this" I asked

"Blake you didn't tell her?" Nike asked

"No I didn't have time" Blake told Nike

"Dude just tell her" Jason told Nike

"Tell me what? What's going on blake" I started to get worried.

"Alley this is Blakes car and he's racing it today" Nike told me

"WHAT" I freaked out

"Alley it's ok I know what I'm doing I've been doing this for a while just trust me" Blake tried to calm me down.

"Blake the race is starting we need you out there now" a guy came in the warehouse to tell Blake

Blake looked at the guys." Please take care of her while I'm racing" Blake hugged me. But for some reason I don't thing he was scared to race but to leave me with the guys. He kissed my forehead then let go of me Jason came to Blake.

"Don't worry Blake we won't let anything get to her" Jason told Blake

Okay now I don't get it there acting like I'm being hunted or something but I just went along with it.

"Thanks man" Blake told Jason and Blake got in the car and drove off.

Jason pulled me to him and stared to walk where Blake had just drove off. The boys where behind me and him as we walked. I think he could tell I was lost with everything going on because he took my hand in him and smiled at me trying to tell me everything will be ok.

And of some reason it claims me down right way.

"So alley have you ever been to a car race" Brent asked for behind me.

"No" I say shy. I'm always shy around new people that I met.

"Well this should be fun then" Brent said trying to be friendly.
I just smile at him.

You know what's really weird Aidan has not said a word to me or the guys.

"Alley is that you baby?!" I turned my head to who called me but I wish I would have just keep walking.

"Austin" went I said his name I felt my stomach drop. It felt like I just got hit with a boom.

"Come here Princessa I haven't seen you in a long long time lets talk" he looked like he had a plan with that crazy smirk on his mouth.

He started walking to me slowly as if I was a wild animal.

He grabbed my arm throwing me off balance. Definitely leaving marks on my arm.

All a sudden Aidan pulled me behind him and balled his fists ready to fight.

"Aidan don't" was all I said before now of Austins guys hit him in the stomach Jason and Nike pulled me back so I was out of the way well Brent grabbed the guy of Aidan.

Aidan punched the guy so hard he fell to the ground and I'm pretty sure he broke something.

"Don't you ever try and get to her again" Aidan yells at Austin and his guys.

I started to have A panic attack as Aidan turned around he looked at me and I in his face I saw worry. He walked up to me I toke a step back still not know what's going on.

"It's okay alley I promise" Aidan soft voice spoke.

I just stopped at looked at him he walked up to me and picked me up bridal style. He started to walk with me in his arms. All the guys behind us

"Alley please clam down its okay you safe with me" Aidan whispers to me.

"B-blake" I said it was all I could say I need him he's the only one how knows how to deal with my panic attacks.

"Shhh is okay alley" Aidan told me

Right then I Heard footsteps I looked back and there he was....

"What the hell happened?!!!" He yelled and I started to cry thinking of Austin again.

A/N   Hey guy do you like it? Sorry if it's not good this is my first book!!! I really love writing it!!! Please comment and vote!!! It would mean the world to me!!! Thank you!!

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