Part of the past

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I know they didn't want me to leave but I have to I need to go home. I need to find my self. My mom I need to find her.

Everyone was down stairs when I got there they said goodbye one bye one Cameron started to cry and it killed me to say goodbye but I had to. He is better off with out me anyways. 

I promise Cameron I would come visit him sometime. But honestly I couldn't be happier knowing we are leaving.

I need this. I need Aidan. I feel close to him. I feel drown to him.

So back home we go. As we leave the gate to the mansion house I see the boys lined up outside waving us goodbye.

I look out the window and wave back. Cameron is crying again.

Aidan brought his sports car so he is going to drive it back.
And Blake has his truck I decided to ride with Blake for awhile.

I am so tired I haven't been sleep much at all. Ever time I close my eyes i have the same nightmare over and over...

Im in my room at home listening to my music texting my friends. When I hear a slam I turn my music down listening closely for anything. I hear yelling so I run down stairs figuring that Blake had came in late once again. He was always late for curfew.

I run down stairs almost tripping over the rug. I see my mom and dad. They where so happy. My mom yells at Blake of course he was late again. My dad says he forgot something in his truck from work. I follow him out I was always a daddy's girl.

He was the dad ever little girl wanted. I run over to him as he picks up my little 6 year old body.

" hey princess" he says happily and smiles at me.

"Daddy!" I yell happily

He keeps walking to his truck he puts me In the drivers set and lets me pretend to drive it he goes to the back set and reaches under it. He pulls out a brown bag and downs the liquid in it.

But me only being 6 I didn't know what it was so I asked him. And he simply said it was water in a cool container.

Which was really cool so I asked if I could have some but he wouldn't let me.

We soon went in the house again but now mom and Blake are tied to chairs and to people dressed in Black they have a gun to my moms head the other guy is looking around the house. My daddy covers my mouth and pulls me in the cabinet in the kitchen and tells me to stay no matter what happens and be quiet. But what I didn't expect he to say was he loved me no matter what and he would see me soon. He was never a lovey dad yeah he loved me but he never said things like that.

He walks out to the men they point the guns at his head. I can't help but let a little cry out. Blake hears and looks over he sees me and gives me sad eyes he was always protective of me. He wouldn't even let me watch scary movies.

But I love him he's my brother. He shhhs me and I nodded my head. All a sudden the gun goes off. I screamed sacred for mine and my family's life. The men hear one starts to walk my way my parents begged them to leave me alone Blake threatened them.

One guy comes over and pulls me up by my arm dragging me over to my family. They tied my dad up too now.

" she sure is a pretty little thing ain't she" one of them says he has brown eyes.

The one with green eyes says " yeah she is"

My dad yells but my head hurts I can't think.

I feel sick. I'm head spins and I feel like I'm falling.

Before I hit the ground one of the men pulls me up in his arms. I want to run but I can't move. My eyes want to close. I fight hitting my arms swing at them. He try's to calm me down but it doesn't work only my dad can calm me down.

Then I hear my dad's voice " shhhhh princess it's going to be alright. Baby it's going to be okay I promise. I love you now close your eyes stop fighting it's okay."

And I do.

When I wake up I'm in a room but it's not mine. Everything is purple. Eww to girly for me. I hear someone coming to I pretend to be asleep again. They walk in it's only one person he comes over to me and feels my head. I cracked open one eye to see someone I didn't know. He was probably 20 with Black hair and green eyes. He had a gun clipped to his side.

" are you going to hurt me" I ask in a low voice

"It's going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you"

But he was wrong

Oh so wrong.

They made me question life if I should have a right to live or was I just a mistake.

I still have the scars they made.

And in the end my dad knew I was a mistake too and helped them make those scars.

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