One more time

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Picture of Austin💕

Sleep... sleep....sleep... that's all I need right now is sleep.

Which should be easy since I haven't been sleeping at all but I couldn't stop thinking... I couldn't stop thinking about Austin.

It hurts to say his name.

"Alley...?" Blake questioned

"Ya" I answered looking out the window watching the buildings fly by us.

"I've been call you for 15 minutes, I thought you were asleep" he said as he takes a glance at me from the drivers seat.

" um no just thinking" which wasn't a lie I was thinking.

"Alley are you hungry" Blake asked me as he picked up his phone.

"Nope" I reply. I wasn't hungry. My stomach was a little twisted to be honest.

He quickly put a number in his phone and pressed call. I couldn't hear what he was say to the other people but I heard what he said.

"Ya it's about that time" he said.

"Stop now?" He asked

"Already I'll met you there" he hung up the phone and placed it on the set next to him. So I took this as a chance to ask who that was and where would we met them. As I was about to speak a stabbing pain shot in my stomach. I hold my hands together trying not to show that I am in pain.... lots of pain...

It starts to get worse so I lay down with my head on the set next to Blake and my legs on the one I was sitting on. The pain starts to go away. And suddenly I'm exhausted. I watch the roof of the truck looking at all the lines and painting mistakes till my eyes can't stay open.

I didn't even realize I'd fallin asleep. That is until the dream...





"Alley wake up" someone pulled me from my comfort of warmth ripping my blankets away from my now cold body.

I open my eyes ready to get up and head to my bathroom to get ready for the day. I already knew what I'd wear. Simple my black tank-top with blue skinny jeans and red converse. It was easy.

But little did I expect to wake up with no other then Austin pulling me from my much needed sleep. I smack him away hoping he's leave before I had to kick him out.

He laughed as if I told him a joke instead of violently hitting him.

Was he kidding me? Nope he wasn't. And he wasn't going to leave me alone to my peaceful sleep.

So I pull my arms up stretching before I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Are you going to sleep all day love?" Austins laugh fills my ears. God did I love his laugh.

"Yes and I'd still like to if I may" I sass back ready to take a nap from sleeping my butt off all day.

Sleeping is exhausting

"No you may not love" Austin says as he pulls me into his strong arms giving me a hug. Well at least I thought it was a harmless hug. No it was much worse. He moved his hands to my sides and started to tickle me. I laughed so hard i could barely make a sentence.

"Austin pl pl please sto st stop" I cry from laughing. I try to get out of his grip but he's to strong And I just woke up and didn't have any strength in my arms or legs.

"Who's your daddy?" Austin asks with a smirk on his face.

"Eww Austin" I yell

"I'm your daddy. Say it love" he laughs not able to take him self serous.

"I'm your daddy big boy!" Someone yells jumping in the room making Austin jump and fall of the bed.

Blake of course my hero.

"Now who's your daddy Austin" Blake asks as he sits on top of his.

Austin starts to turn blue but gets out two words

"Fuck you"

And that's it boys I laughed so hard I just about peed myself. Blake rolls off Austin and lets him breathe as Blake rolls around holding his stomach from laughing.

I didn't realize it but I was staring at Austin. He was hot that's for sure. With his long brown hair pointed to the sky. And his green eyes. His nose was a little uneven because of one to many fights. His lips shaped perfectly for a kiss. With his one earring on his right side.

He was perfect. Every girls want and need. He was the perfect boy in everyone's eyes. The bad boy of course. But perfect.

Every girl wanted to be with him and every guy wanted to be him. It was simply. Austin didn't go for many girls. He didn't like them drooling over him. He'd rather have someone with a fight. Someone who wanted more in life.

He was sweet and kind. He always held the door open for girls and always was the last person in. He was the first to give someone his chair if there wasn't enough. He was a gentleman. 

And I was completely in love with him.


Im back!!!! Omg I missed you guys so
much. Im so sorry I haven't updated in so long but I'm back and I'm going to finish this story for you guys. Thank you so much for all the love and support it means the world to me. You guys are the reason I won't give up on my dreams of becoming a writer. I have a lot of work to get there but I believe with your love and support I'll make it one step at a time. Thank you guys so much!

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