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-Aidan's pov-

Alley soon fell asleep as I rocked her back and forth as if I was holding a baby. She's barely talking to me. I'm not sure where Blake is. I here a beep nose as I pull the covers down and place alley in the bed of the hotel.

I didn't know if she wants to come back with me but I'm not just going to take her the poor girl has been though enough.

I hear a beeping noise again and follow it to her bag. I hear the beep again tell I finally find her phone that was beeping.

There where many missed calls and text on her phone from different people.

Someone named James was texting her and calling the most.

(Texts from James)

-alley where are you

-alley please pick up ur phone

-I'm so sorry alley

-just let me know your ok

-please just answer

-I'm sorry I'm such an ass

- alley were worried about you

I read through the text. Then went to the next persons names Damon

(Text from Damon)
- alley call us were worried

-at least call Blake

Text from Blake)

-the guys  called me

-they told me what happened

-I'm so sorry princess I should have been there to protect you

- please call me alley I need to know your ok


I looked through all the text. I know I probably shouldn't have but how else am I going to know what happened.

I pull my phone out trying to call Blake





On the 4th ring he answered

Blake- Aidan I'm kinda busy right know

Aidan- I know bu-

Blake- look ill call you back some time

Aidan- you want to know where alley is or just keep cutting me off

Blake- what? How do you know where she is?

Aidan- long story

Blake-where is she?

Aidan- she's with me in a hotel on the north said of town.

Blake- what your in California?? In a hotel with my sister?!

Aidan- how about you give me your address I'll bring her back and we can talk about this?

Blake- alright I'll text it to you. Be careful with my sister please!


I stopped text just a minute later he texted me his address.

I grabbed alleys bag with mine that only held some clothes and money.

I pull open the door making sure not to wake her locking it on my way. I start the car to get it to warm up before I put her in it.

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