the aftermath.

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"If that fucking embodiment of a parasite is any part of this, mums I will slit his throat this time"

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"If that fucking embodiment of a parasite is any part of this, mums I will slit his throat this time"

Oakley was confused beyond words; not because Shanel was being a melodramatic bitch as she always but because he had not even an inkling of a clue what she was being so melodramatic about. She was pacing and shouting about how she was going to kill Marvin for god knows what whilst he simply sat on the sofa wide-eyed and tight-lipped waiting for her to stop.

"Don't act like a fuckin' idiot mate because I'll slap you en'all I saw you watchin 'err"

Oh. Her. How could she possibly have done such a thing, if she was laid down having her eyebrows threaded by her? It was a rather minor question, because what did Marvin have to do with this?

"And what on earth has this got to do with Marv?"

It was too late to take it back, he'd said it now, but he regretted it about as quickly as it escaped his mouth. Slowly, she turned to glare menacingly at him from above, towering over the sofa where he shifted uncomfortably. Yet she didn't speak, she didn't extend her arm to serve him a whallop across the face nor did she turn to make an exit. She simply stared at him with intimidation and it surely worked. Oakley wanted to curl in on himself and disappear through the creases of the leather sofa, all he wanted was to escape her stare. Though he couldn't risk such a thing, Shanel was far too temperamental to take chances like that. So he stilled, as much as he could on the brink of a heart attack and cast his gaze to the rug on the floor. He needed something to focus his mind on before it blew straight out of his head, and the rug was found to be a perfect object for the job as he noticed all the uneven threads and the fact that it needed a quick hoover over when he had the chance. Cat fur was like an endless source, no matter where you went it follows in masses; it was starting to get on his nerves but he loved his cat far too much to do anything about it.

"What the fuck 'as he been sayin' to you Oakley"

Suddenly, all the focus he had on the rug was shaken away as Shanel had finally broken her silence with a stern shout and Oakley's poor heart nearly came up his throat in shock. She was no longer staring down at him as if he were a peasant but now pacing the living room again and fretting about this, that and everything else - it was hard to tell. All of the sounds were moulding together as they entered his ears and he was struggling to distinguish words from sentences, it was all far too overwhelming. He'd overcome many things in the past year or so but his inability to withstand intense situations was far from fixed and hindered his life a lot, more specifically his life with Shanel. Their relationship had a certain tenseness to it and always had once the novelty of getting together had worn off and only got worse over the course of the year. The fact that he was constantly put on the spot like this probably didn't help at all, maybe even worsened him. She didn't care though of course.

And while Oakley is teetering on the edge of all of his blood vessels exploding at the snap of a finger, Michaela is sitting alone in her kitchen, nursing a cup of coffee. She'd had the craving for a good old English cuppa when she got home and she was sure it was brought on by seeing the king of tea himself, but she couldn't give in to it. Instead, she got out the Happy Shopper instant coffee granules and popped the kettle on; she needed something strong and bitter, to ground her mind a little after such an eventful shift. Her thoughts were running at a ridiculous pace and her mind was in an absolute scramble, unsure of how to feel or think after the strange encounters. Kayla had accepted the idea of never seeing Oakley again and took it in her stride, using it as motivation to better herself so now the prophecy had been broken, and the world had been thrown off its axis. Her body felt like it was vibrating with static but in reality, she was stone solid, not moving an inch unless to bring the mug back up to her lips and take another swig of the tar-like liquid. She began to inspect the mug out of boredom, noticing a crack in the handle and making a conscious effort to hold it that bit more carefully until she noticed of the design and disregarded the handle as a whole. It was all pink with glitter in some places, obviously rubbing off over a year's use, and the words 'Twenty One' written in gold - obviously a birthday gift from last year. Funnily enough, a gift from Oakley actually. He hadn't known what on earth to buy her as he'd bought her so many other things surely there wasn't much more she could want. So he made up a money roll and slipped it inside this mug he found in Card Factory which he wrapped up all neatly- surprisingly. And of course he'd left the price label on the mug as every man in the world did but Michaela never minded because it was 'the thought that's counts' as she always said. The girl continued to reminisce on simpler times until her phone mysteriously pinged with a text from Marvin.

Marv 🫠

M what on erth hve u done
tgis time babe


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