lower my inhibitions.

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nsfw warning lol - this is for amina xx

Marvin had made the executive decision to give Michaela and Oakley space

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Marvin had made the executive decision to give Michaela and Oakley space. Though it was his own home and he could've quite easily made them leave to rekindle if they may wish, he didn't want to send the boy home knowing how Shanel had been acting. Of course, he'd have to return at some point but the man would rather safeguard his mental health first. It did occur to him for a small, fleeting moment that this was a bad idea, leaving them alone, but he did also have places to be tonight. Not to mention it was probably best Oakley explained what the fuck he had questioned her about earlier, it wasn't his story to tell. Tori was going to her mother's for the weekend and Marvin had offered to taxi her there instead of her mum coming all the way here this late in the day, to which she happily obliged. So without saying a word, he stood from the sofa and took his daughter with him to grab her stuff and left. Michaela was still standing, swaying behind the sofa when he closed the door behind him but he knew this was going to take a while for them to settle into so he didn't bother questioning.

"What... what the fuck are you doing here?"

The girl was taken aback by the rather abrupt question - it was harsh and laced with venom, but she wasn't surprised. Just caught off guard. The boy who had spoken it though, he was shocked. He hadn't meant it, much like he didn't mean a lot of things, but he thought he'd shaken this scary demeanour. He never liked being feared by people, especially those he loved, so he never understood why he lashed out like this. But it was all okay, Kayla wasn't scared at all. She only let a very small, almost unnoticeable smile tug at her lips in response: she knew she deserved the harsh treatment, even if it wasn't purposeful.

"Marv had erm, text me somethin weird so I came straight 'ere... assumed it had somethin to do with you but I had no idea you'd be 'ere as well"

The woman had finally taken a seat on the sofa beside Oakley, not too close to scare him off but enough to feel the heat radiating off him like a furnace. Nice to know some things never changed. Even in the coldest of winters, this man was like a walking radiator and all you ever had to do was be near him to warm up. It was one of those cute quirks Michaela had always loved about him - it always made her smile. He was looking at her now, she could feel his stare on her but she was looking at her hands in her lap still trying to figure out what she wanted to say now they were practically stuck here. She felt his gaze lower and she was confused for a moment until she remembered what she had left the house in. Normally she'd never wear anything like this out: a very short cropped tank leaving very little to the imagination and pyjama shorts. When she had gotten in from work she'd just thrown on whatever clothes she found at the time, which happened to be her pyjamas and she hadn't even thought twice about changing before she left. It was obvious he was staring at her chest, blatantly too, though probably absentmindedly.

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