a trial run.

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[ disclaimer: Lil Bro's name isn't on the internet, so I've made one up for the purpose of the story <3 ]

Life seemed to be up these days for Oakley, and he'd never been so grateful for all of Marvin's help in the recent year or two, despite the pair rarely speaking recently due to being so busy

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Life seemed to be up these days for Oakley, and he'd never been so grateful for all of Marvin's help in the recent year or two, despite the pair rarely speaking recently due to being so busy. The older was caring for his daughter full time now; any spare time he got - especially while Tori was at nursery - he spent in the studio. All the while Oakley had been rallying around at Michaela's feet for the past four months, doing everything for her so she remained "stress-free" as he said. Just a precautionary. Kayla was beginning to get fed up with how obsessive he was but she didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise. She understood why he was being such a hypochondriac and sympathised with him as it was clearly some trauma biting back at him, but the pity didn't change how it felt to have her independence stripped of her at the snap of a finger. There were moments of deja-vu when he was especially aggravating, reminding her of back in the day when he was a completely different person; it was all rather strange really. Small fleeting moments of regret would float by sometimes, regret for moving in with him, regret for having that spontaneous hour of heated fun on Marvin's couch, their whole relationship all together even. She hated feeling that way though because she knew deep down it wasn't genuine and it was just fuelled by the frustration. This is where she's meant to be: in Oakley's arms, and she wouldn't change it for the world.

"You alright love?"

Michaela had been shuffling around, tossing and turning for a while now and it was starting to bother him. Normally it would have just annoyed him having been elbowed in the rib twice now but all he felt was concern. He knew she'd be uncomfortable all the time, what with a literal human inside her but not so much as this.


The woman was drifting in and out of sleep even through all her movements, as it was getting late and whatever nonsense was on the tv was boring her, so what she had said was completely inaudible. Oakley had let a giggle slip, a blush creeping on his face as he looked down at his girlfriend in awe at how adorable she was like this. He'd already forgotten what he was worried about because he was just so hopelessly in love.

"I have a bad feeling..."

It'd thrown him off, made his breath catch in his throat and his face contort in confusion. What on earth was she on about? He was surprised by how little he panicked to be entirely honest, knowing his track record, how he wasn't having a panic attack was beyond him.

"About what darlin'?"

Before Kayla could even have a chance to think, which was an oddly long amount of time, the doorbell had rung and the app on Oakley's phone had started going off too. The girl was shaken awake by the noises and sat up in confusion as well, far too fast though as her head was left spinning. Michaela tried to make herself look just a little bit more presentable than she had been just in case whoever was at the door was to come in - not that she cared much for her appearances these days. Pregnancy was truly taking its toll on her and she'd given in to the fact you couldn't fix the permanent fatigue in her eyes or the stiffness in her frame now.

"Fuck's sake Jay"

The door slammed and Oakley reappeared in the living room again alone, making Kayla look up to her boyfriend even more confused than before, who stood with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. After a few long, dragging moments had passed a teenage boy finally entered the room hesitant to even look up at the couple. He sniffled before aggressively rubbing at his eyes with the palms of his hands as he continued to just stand in the middle of the living room, still avoiding the couple in front of him as much as he could. Michaela was even more baffled now.

"Jaylen, you gunna explain anytime soon or do I have to set up camp?"

Oakley knew he was being harsh and there was most definitely a good explanation for this madness but he couldn't hold it back. This isn't the first time his brother has turned up at his front door with a black eye or some other minor injury, and no matter how many times he'd told him to be more careful he would still return a month or two later in the same circumstance. It made him feel like he'd failed as a brother, or the makeshift father figure he'd made of himself for his family, as he'd tried so hard to keep his brothers safe and away from the type of life he lived. Kayla used to try and reassure him that it wasn't his fault, he couldn't stop everything because sometimes Jay just had to live and learn. Didn't change much for him though, he still felt terrible.

"I didn't do nothin' this time I promise"

The teen had taken a hesitant seat on the sofa now as far away from the adults as he possibly could and still refused to look at them. He was ashamed, embarrassed and not to mention in pain. Tears were brimming in his eyes, he was desperately rubbing at them to keep them at bay but he could only do it for so long before he eventually broke down. Jay hated this, crying, not to mention in front of his older brother and his girlfriend. The boy never cried, never showed any emotions really. He learned long ago being raw never got you far so this was weird. Humiliating even. Oakley had panicked when he realised what was happening here, quickly jumping up to comfort his brother. Now he felt real bad for how heated he had been. But he couldn't have anticipated this. Normally Jaylen would laugh and mock his stern tone and the discipline he'd try to install which would always crumble as he laughed too knowing he did the exact same thing at his age.

"Don't worry 'bout it mate, where are you hurt?"

The man glanced over to his girlfriend who was already halfway on her way to get the first aid kit from the kitchen with a glass of water. Michaela was trained in first aid as part of basic training for her job, not the mention all that time she spent patching Oakley up so she was well experienced and was happy to do the same for his brother as well. She felt for the boy, being the youngest of the siblings, as she was in the same position as him. Her brother and sister were twins and a few years older than her, and she always felt that they overshadowed her. Kayla couldn't imagine what it was like for your brother to be a rapper as well. All that aside, he was her boyfriend's little brother of course which made him her brother too and she'd kill before she let him in harm's way. It worried the woman to see Jay in the same state she saw Oakley countless times over the years, so much so that she gave a little prayer for him. After far too many cotton balls and painful hisses from the boy, Michaela had finished patching him up and they sent him up for a shower with some of Oakley's clothes.

"I love seein' you all mother hen"

The man had set a kiss on her lips and pulled away with a smile that could light up the heavens, eyes low with fatigue yet so bright still. Michaela giggled as she lay in the man's lap on the sofa staring up at him with a grin herself. She'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy playing mum and dad with him, it just made her even more excited for their future. The pair stayed like that, gazing at one another with pure joy until Jaylen appeared again in clothes that were far too big for him and a plea of hunger. None of the boys had lived at home in years so Oakley was the least bit surprised that his brother hadn't eaten. These days the younger just chilled with whoever welcomed him, mostly their cousins or Wadz. Oakley always wondered why he never came to him unless he got in a fight because he was always welcome and he'd much rather him at his than their cousin's, especially since they still run drugs. But that was a question for another day.

"Is toast fine? We haven't been shopping yet"

The man watched as his younger brother trailed behind Michaela like a puppy to the kitchen with a small smile on his face before getting up himself, as he felt a bit peckish as well. Though he didn't enter the kitchen, just leaned against the doorframe and watched as she showed Jay how to make cheese on toast on the grill. Oakley knew already, but he'd clearly chosen the right woman to bear his children. She was just so motherly and kind and he seriously could not wait till their own little bundle of joy was here.

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