the final straw.

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"Get the fuck out of my fucking house!"

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"Get the fuck out of my fucking house!"

Steam may as well have been coming from Oakley's ears as he shouted across the kitchen from the corner of the room. He was trying so desperately to not let his feelings boil over and spill all over the floor, melting everything he ever believed in. It was just so difficult when the one person you are so fucking angry at didn't have a care in the world. She was laughing and grinning gleefully all while he screamed and cried, begging her to leave him alone but she wouldn't let up. Shanel found it amusing how much he tried to make her fear him, because even though plenty of people feared him before, he was in no way shape or form threatening. It had always been a mystery to her how he ever made his reputation on the streets whilst simultaneously being the most mellow man she'd ever met in her life. She'd wondered if maybe the rehab and therapy made him soft, but he'd always been like this when she actually thought back to when they first met. They'd known each other for years before getting together, with her being the resident UK rapper thot and his involvement in the rap scene spanning back to his early teen years it was almost impossible for them to not have crossed paths.

Now it seemed their paths had crossed a little too much.

The woman pitied him and his pathetic attempts at making her leave, because he knew full well she would walk straight out the front door and never return if it weren't for the benefits she got out of this. Truly she'd never held a single ounce of love for the boy, not one, Shanel just loved the glitz and the glamour she found through his gifts. He'd made it very clear in the early weeks of their relationship that his love language was giving and she never expected to see so many small trinkets and exotic sweets until she met him. It was unfortunate she had to take advantage of such a quirk, it was one of many of his redeeming qualities and she'd chosen to leach it dry because all she ever wanted was his wealth. Truly was a pity.

"Shanel please I can't do it anymore just fucking leave"

Despite knowing full well Shanel would just laugh back in his face, the man was begging and pleading, halfway to collapsing to knees with clasped hands. Though it wasn't really doing much as she was yet to make any moves to leave - he couldn't figure out why she was being so resistant. All he ever knew from her was disagreement and grief, so why exactly was she so adamant about staying in a relationship she clearly hated? He wishes he knew.

"Are ya gunna stop fuckin' cryin' like a kid over a slap then?"

If there was one thing the pair had in common it was their violent dislike for mess and uncleanliness; Oakley had thought he was a bit of a clean freak until he met this woman, she was a whole new kettle of fish. So when he had spilt the milk on the side and completely missed his tea, she'd raged and the ground beneath them had opened up to the depths of hell it felt like. She'd slapped him. Once, twice, maybe even third, he hadn't been counting. He was too busy trying to keep a yelp from ripping at his throat and halt the shakes that were still rattling his bones to truly pay attention to how much she was treating him. What he did know though was that a pink hand print was branded on the side of his face now, all hot, pink and raised like a huge hive on his cheek. It stung and he could feel the heat radiating off it when he brought his hand up out of instinct, but it was far too sore to touch it so he settled for consoling himself by finishing his tea whilst he cleaned up the mess on the marble counter. That moment was the one singular time he had ever considered hitting a woman, though completely against his morals it was fueled by pure fury and flames behind his eyes. He knew he could never bring himself to do such a thing, but the flash of the scene that crossed his mind appeared so satisfying. The devil on his shoulder was calling out for him but he wouldn't give in to an intrusive temptation like that.

"Okay, I'll leave."

Oakley near enough got whiplash simply from the shock, let alone the snap of his neck in Shanel's direction. She was standing with her arms crossed, one hand fiddling with a
charm on her chains and her face filled with neutrality. Surely it was all a dream, the woman had finally given in, without a kick and a fuss either.


Weirdly, she never replied. She simply picked up her phone and just walked out the front door. God knows where she was going, she didn't have friends nor was she in contact with family so her best bet was another poor, vulnerable rapper. It was a cycle like on a washing machine really, but it wasn't exactly clean. But oh well, she was supposedly gone, forever? Oakley had finally shaken the one thing holding him back from healing from his hair, and he didn't quite know what to do with himself. He'd been in denial about the never-ending list of problems in their relationship, he was decidedly oblivious to it, because in his head he was in love. It was a wonder how he managed to fall in love again, though it was probably best to assume he hadn't. Honestly, it was unfortunate to be wired the way he was, because he was oblivious to very clear red flags and could never differentiate one emotion from the other. He may have thought he was in love, she may have thought he was in love but was he ever really? Everything and nothing was passing in fleeting thoughts through his head as he sat crouched on the laminate flooring. He couldn't quite remember getting down here, but the burning tears on his face and the sob choking up his chest told him all he needed to know. It had been a while since he'd indulged in such a breakdown: with Shanel acting the way she did, he didn't have the freedom to express his emotions really. Sometimes all you need is a good cry and you'll be all alright, but he wasn't allowed the luxury. He supposed he should reply to Michaela now, as it had been approximately an hour since she had dmed him on Instagram. Oakley had never looked at what she'd said and was surprised when he finally did, immediately sending a reply through.

⇱ 🟣 m.castill3 📞 🎥

hey hun
you okay?
soz about this morning...

shan just left lol
but it's ok
dw bout it

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