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  m.castill3                                           •••   X

castill3                                           •••   X

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Oakley had only seen it in passing, by chance even. He'd been scrolling through social media out of boredom on the train home from Manchester, where he'd been for the past couple of weeks visiting Harrison and doing a show or two as he hadn't done that in a while. It was simply out of curiosity that he clicked on her story, as he didn't want to seem like a beg after only following her again last week but he seriously couldn't help himself when he saw the pinks and purples circling her profile picture and felt compelled to know what was up with her. Obviously, it wasn't very exciting, just a simple message about how she was feeling unwell, and a rare cup of tea. Weirdly, despite the message of the story, a smile spread across the man's face. The girl had spent so long avoiding tea at all costs because she hated it more than she could ever describe, and it seemed she'd finally given in for the sake of her health. It reminded him of all those times she'd quite literally spat tea all over him because she couldn't stand the taste and forced him to let her scrub the stain out of his tracksuit even though it didn't really matter because he had countless more of them. Oakley wanted to test the waters of their rekindling and replied to her story with a short and sweet message, asking if she was okay and if she needed anything. Though he was still on his way home, it wouldn't be too long until he was stepping onto the platform at London Victoria again and free of plans for the coming week. He'd decided, whether she'd asked him to or not, he'd pop into Tescos later on and then pay her a visit. It wouldn't hurt to bring her some much-needed coffee and some sweet treats would it?

"Oh, Oakley what are you doing here?"

Merely a few hours from his short text Oakley was now standing on the girl's doorstep with a grin on his face, a bag on his arm filled with snacks and a Starbucks coffee in his hand. He figured the disgusting levels of sugar in the drink would be good for her, what with all the energy it'd give her and all, otherwise he simply would've gone to a small café around the corner instead. The stupid grin had been plastered on his face ever since he'd stepped off of the train earlier on because the excitement of seeing Michaela again was far too strong to internalise. Though having to explain why he was smiling so much after such a long tiring journey to his brothers and getting laughed at wasn't too nice, it's the price you pay he supposed. However, as soon as the black door swung open revealing the girl who looked a little worse for wear the grin instantly faltered. She had bags under her eyes he hadn't noticed last time he saw her over a month back and was even still in her pyjamas despite it being well into the afternoon.

"Did you not get my text?"

Kayla of course hadn't seen his message because she'd been in and out of sleep since noon and hadn't checked her phone once. The past couple of days she'd been pulled from her sleep to throw up a few times, and she hadn't slept many hours because of it. Even then, anything she ate either came straight back up or never even got eaten because she was far too nauseous. She didn't have much energy for anything no thanks to the lack of sleep and nutrition. Regretfully she'd even had to call out of work as much as she didn't want to, it was just impossible to actually leave the house without the need to empty her guts again. Her boss was understanding luckily which she hadn't expected; Jenai was usually very strict with taking time out as they were a popular, busy salon and couldn't afford cancellations like this. Good thing the pair had become close friends during their time of working together otherwise Michaela would be throwing up on the job.

"I came to check on you"

Oakley's face started to flush because only now did he realise it was mildly embarrassing, turning up on this poor woman's doorstep on a day where she probably didn't want to see anybody and especially not him. She seemed touched by the thought though and seemed to be a bit more emotional than usual as her eyes had glossed over immediately as she grinned up at him. Relief washed over him when he realised she wasn't upset with him coming over or going to mock him for being a bit clingy this early on, still, the worry was bubbling in his stomach in regards to Michaela's wellbeing. They both hoped it was a simple stomach bug she'd caught from a customer maybe and not something serious or life-threatening. Eventually after the ridiculously long hug in the doorway that the girl had forced Oakley into had ended the pair made their way through to the living room where it was dark and almost unbearably warm. The curtains were shut and even the tv was off as her eyes were straining too much at the brightness; it took the man a moment to adjust to it after being in bright lights all day. He'd helped Kayla get comfortable on the sofa again tucked up in a throw and the duvet from her bed with the coffee and the snacks he brought with him before refilling her hot water bottle. She'd tried to shoo him away claiming she was perfectly capable to do these things herself because she wasn't on her deathbed or anything, but he hadn't let down of course. It reminded him of all those times she'd looked after him back in the day. He'd attempt to make her stop and let him be independent despite it being blatantly obvious even to him that he wasn't capable of even filling a cup with water sometimes. Though those days were much different because it was withdrawals and crashes after spurs of mania and weekends on road not simple bouts of sickness. This was to pay her back for all of that she did for him before - Oakley knew nothing could ever equate to it but it was a start at least. Michaela was so different to him: selfless and never expected anything in return. He'd taken advantage of her willingness to help him all the time, of her care, so even if she expected something back he'd never even considered it. Looking back now the boy couldn't believe it's taken him so long to return even the smallest of favours - it made so much sense why she left now. He hopes she'll see this how he does, an act of his newfound selflessness and truly deep how he's changed since then.

Later in the evening, Oakley made his final farewell to Michaela after spending hours just sitting in the dark with her mumbling away even if she wasn't listening half the time. He had his own bed to get to and probably a heap of emails and phone calls to respond to, not to mention the girl needed proper sleep too. She'd thrown up probably only once while he was looking after her; it'd made his stomach turn seeing how violent it was as she emptied her stomach into the toilet. It was clear as day why she was so bloody tired after this. He'd cleaned her up, got her water and put her into bed this time - she needed actual rest. So he sat on her vanity stool and waffled away about god knows what until it was an appropriate time to leave. As he was driving home, he finally took in how this day went. The man was shocked she'd let him be with her in such a vulnerable state already, not that she even had a choice really, but after all that mess before it truly shocked him. It gave him a good knock to the head about how he'd treated her back in the day too, something he hadn't really delved into before. Overall, he quite enjoyed just being in her company and helping her out. They had their laughs occasionally and a moment of intimacy when Michaela wasn't feeling like she was about to collapse through the ground. He left with a smile. Back in the house though, the girl was far from all smiles. Of course, she still felt extremely under the weather, but now she had a reason and she felt so much worse. What she held in her hands simply dropped to the ground when it clicked, not even tears had time to come to her eyes before a sob ripped from her throat.

Marv 🫠

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