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filler chapter soz x

Jaylen had ended up staying with the couple for the next few weeks until the 'Still Loading' tour was due

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Jaylen had ended up staying with the couple for the next few weeks until the 'Still Loading' tour was due. He hadn't expected to stay so long and had even begged to go chill with Wyge even for a day, but they'd insisted he stayed to keep him out of trouble. Michaela enjoyed it all around, even if it was hard work to deal with not one but practically two Oakleys, she figured the experience would benefit her ultimately in the future. They made sure to keep the boy busy and did things each day, including making cakes because the older was adamant about sharing his skills. Though the fun only lasted so long as he had been busy organising stuff for his shows and had countless meetings with DJs and his manager, so much so that it was Michaela who spent all her time with Jay. Booking flights and making sure every venue was confirmed, tickets were finalised and whatnot was stressful, so he found himself smoking a cigarette or two to wind down in the evening. Kayla was most unimpressed especially since they had a child on the way and she feared his old habits creeping their way in, but she had to take a step back and try to see it from his eyes instead. It was understandable she realised so she forced herself to not be too bothered; she didn't want to spend her last moments with him for the next few months angry or something. If it weren't for the pregnancy she would've stuck by his side for every show, every interview and every club appearance - her doctor had cleared her and said she would've been fine but Oakley insisted she stayed home. He also thought it was a good time for her to bond more with his mum, as he was determined to build a better relationship with her, especially considering he was giving her her first grandchild and there was no way he'd mess that relationship up as well. His mum and Kayla agreed it was a perfect opportunity, they were excited for the most part. Missing him was going to be the difficult part though, doing this essentially alone with all the fears the couple had for their future was nerve-wracking but there wasn't much anyone could do. Oakley had signed the deal off for this months before and he couldn't back out now even if he had to miss a lot of this journey with his girlfriend.

"I love you. you know that?"

Mrs Ceaser had driven him and Jaylen to the airport to meet with his manager and the rest of their crew who were tagging along, with Michaela in tow as they were going to dinner afterwards; they'd be lying if they said no one cried in amongst the hugs and kisses goodbye. The first stop was LA, where Oakley also had an interview with a radio station as soon as he touched down; he was not impressed with the timings, to say the least, but he had no say in the matter. This was a perfect opportunity to finally come clean to the public about his journey these past few years, his struggles and pain, alongside the love he found in Michaela. However, he wasn't too sure about announcing the baby yet. Kayla had assured him it was up to him when and who knew because it was him who'd receive the backlash, not her. That was undecided until the moment he was sat in the booth in front of a microphone and a thousand cameras.

"Well, my girlfriend is actually pregnant so uno...if you're watching this love I love you"

The man and woman opposite him gasped in shock and their eyes flew open, all while Oakley was staring down the camera with this gorgeous grin on talking to the love of his life. He wasn't even sure she was watching as she was probably asleep by now with it being 2 am in the Uk but he did it anyways because he wanted the world to know just how happy she made him. There was this distinct sparkle in his eye whenever he talked about her and even the low-grade cameras could pick it up from miles off, he never noticed it himself but everyone else sure did.

m.castill3 , centralcee ✔️                          •••

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liked by aitch, fredo and 776,342 others

m.castill3 "I might have a baby I don't mind a daughter, I'd rather a boy"

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