spilt milk.

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When Oakley had woken up the next morning, Michaela was already gone and Marvin was sitting on the other end of the sofa with a tin of diet coke, watching something on the tv

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When Oakley had woken up the next morning, Michaela was already gone and Marvin was sitting on the other end of the sofa with a tin of diet coke, watching something on the tv. For a while, he had simply laid there contemplating his life before realising he was desperate for a piss and suddenly jumped from his spot on the sofa, shocking the other man who almost spilt his drink half down himself.

"Fuckin' 'ell Oaks, mornin' to you too"

The man had scoffed, earning a blank stare in response before Oakley rushed to the bathroom without a word. After doing his business, he splashed some water on his face from the sink to freshen up and got distracted by his own reflection in the mirror, stopping to stare into his face for a moment. The more he glared at himself the more imperfections he noticed and the more he thought about what Shanel was going to say when he got home. Of course, he'd have to lie, and he'd decided to tell her he'd stayed at the recording studio all night - which probably wouldn't convince her he wasn't up to no good either but it's not like he had a choice. You don't just go and tell your girlfriend you cheated on her, even if she'd cheated on you already herself. The guilt was eating him up, but it was hard to let it take full swing when he'd never felt so good in his life - his body was still practically buzzing from the mind-blowing orgasm Michaela had given him. Smudges of pink and purple littered his neck giving him flashes of the night before and bringing a small smile to his face. He reached up and dusted a finger lightly over this one particular bruise below his jaw, the skin burning at the touch but the feeling went straight to his crotch. His mind had been a blurry mess at the time but the memory of how that got there was on repeat in his mind now and sending blood rushing south.

"Fall down the 'ole did ya?"

Marvin was now standing in the kitchen making tea for the both of them, pouring milk into their respective mugs. Oakley had his own teacup here: a 'Mr Grumpy' mug that had a chip in the side where he'd dropped it once. Twice even. The older hadn't ever thought to get rid of it when it broke because that was his mug and it was hardly useless even after breaking it, so it simply never got replaced. An almost ceremonial cup of tea was made in it every time the boy would visit, it was tradition, not to mention he could barely go a few hours without a cuppa.

Oakley had pulled a small smile seeing his mug on the side filled with tea made exactly how he took it and made a light chuckle at the man's joke, not that it was very funny really. He was always bloody pulling his leg one way or another, it was just their thing to take the piss and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't one of the things that helped keep him just above ground some days. Marvin passed the drink to him on his way back to the sofa, with the boy following close behind. He figured the older wouldn't make him leave but even now he felt he was pushing his luck considering last night's happenings.

"So you 'n M one made up did ya?"

A stupid grin was plastered on his face holding back a laugh he was so desperate to let slip because this was like catching his son having a girl over and it was rather amusing. Even more amusing as the boy in front of him began to blush, a deep shade of pink spreading across his cheeks as he purposely refused eye contact with him. Unsurprisingly, Oakley was embarrassed now. He hadn't exactly thought about the consequences of having sex on someone else's sofa, and especially not Marvin's.

"Ah listen I erm I wasn't really thinkin last night alright I'm sorry man"

The boy was trying to find amusement in the situation, because yeah it was fucking hilarious he was acting like the older was actually mad at him. Of course, he didn't know he wasn't angry, he just assumed he was. It was an instinct really, to prepare himself for an attack because that's all he seemed to be met with these days. It must have slipped his mind exactly who he was apologising to. The person in question was laughing now, cackling even. He couldn't hold it in anymore. How could he not laugh?

"Nah nah don't, don't apologise I don't care man. It's just so fuckin funny mate cant"

Marvin had his head in his hands trying to halt his laughter, he knew better than to do this to Oakley - he just couldn't help it. The culprit himself was simply staring at him trying to decipher how he was supposed to react to this. He couldn't quite pin if it was mockery or not and he was struggling to understand why he was even laughing. Soon the laughter had dried up after a few stray tears trickling down his face being rubbed away and a quick apology for his outburst. He did feel bad now, looking up with clear eyes again and seeing the confusion on the boy's face.

A familiar tune began to ring in the air, Oakley's own song 'Mrs', signalling Shanel was calling. Marvin shook his head at his naivety, thinking she was wife material was one of her traps he'd experienced himself. He watched as panic spread across the younger's face as the contact flashed on his screen and he finally noticed the hundreds of messages from her too. Though he didn't answer it, just simply stood from the sofa and took his leave.

"Call me please, if anything happens ite?"

He nodded before shutting the front door behind him a little harder than he'd wanted to and winced his eyes at the bang. It was only now he noticed the headache pounding behind his eyes too, but that could be solved later. He had bigger issues to solve. The whole drive home he was revising his excuses, planning to tell Shanel he was making a song about her hoping it would soften the blow a little. He hadn't spared a single thought to Michaela since he left, he couldn't have her on his mind when he went home to his girlfriend ever, let alone after last night. To have more time for preparation, he'd taken a longer route back. But no amount of time could ever prepare you for Shanel's wrath.

Initially, the house appeared empty. Oakley had called out his girlfriend's name in hopes of finding her whereabouts that way but he heard nothing at all which was strange, but he brushed it off anyways. Maybe she was out for once. He went to go make a cup of tea in hopes of calming his nerves a little bit; his body was shaking he had noticed as he took the carton of milk from the fridge and put it on the side beside a mug. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps on the landing appeared, followed by someone on the stairs. Well, at least he knew where she was now. She was standing in the doorway to the kitchen now, and he had his back to her as he continued making his tea in the corner. He wanted to leave as much time before confronting her as possible because he was never going to be ready for it. Prolonging it just made him feel better. He could hear her breathe, and then separate the necklaces she wore around her neck every day as the chains clinked. It was so quiet in the kitchen the man felt as if he could hear his own heartbeat. Not to mention he was shaking so much now he could barely hold the carton of milk steady enough to pour it. He tried, and missed the mug. The splash of the liquid on the counter made him jump and the girl laughed loudly, forcing him to turn and face her finally. Tears were welling in his eyes too and he hadn't even noticed, but she had of course.

"No use crying over spilt milk babe"

Shanel had continued to laugh, calling him all sorts of things, pathetic and weak. He couldn't even deny it, that was the worst part: she was right for once. The woman was soon interrupted though by a ping from Oakley's phone, signalling an Instagram message.

    ⇱      🟣  m.castill3                          📞   🎥

hey hun
u okay?
soz about this morning....

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