part 20

718 10 6

rues pov:

i haven't seen y/n since the night jules came around. i don't actually know where she went or why, but i'm guessing she got tired and just decided to go home instead of stopping over. it was a bit of a bitchy move tbh

but i had a good time with jules, we talked about anything and everything and she slept over.

anyways i'm going to fez's shop now.


y/n's pov:
i'm sat with fez right now at the till, while ash is bagging drugs up in the back.

suddenly the bell rings and rue walks in.

"hey fez" she says walking up to fez

no 'hey y/n'? what that's weird

"is ash in the back" she asks fez

he nods and she walks off towards ash

fez nudges me

"everything okay between you and rue?" he asks

i shrug my shoulders, i don't really know. it's so petty and i'm over what happened so why is she acting so strange.

she comes back out and walks towards me

"can i talk to you...outside" she asks

i nod and jump down from the counter, following behind rue.

"why did you leave the other night?" rue questions once we get out of the shop.

"i didn't want to ruin yours and jules night" i say

"it wasn't mine and jules night, WE were meant to have a sleepover" she answers back

"well it clearly looked like yours and jules night, not once did you acknowledge me when she turned up"
im getting annoyed now

"you said you were fine with her coming over, PLUS you just walked out without saying anything. you know i like her and i just wanted to get closer to her, i wanted you there too. you're acting way over the top right now, it's not a big deal. i don't get mad when you hang out with maddie, fez or ash, so why are you getting mad at me for hanging out with someone else other than you. ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE JEALOUS." she screams at me

"1: i'm not even arguing with you right now, you're the one raising your voice. 2: i walked out because you and jules wasn't even paying attention to me and acting like i wasn't there. 3: i'm not getting mad at you for hanging out with her, you're my best friend and WE were supposed to hang out. 4: i get that you like her but you can see and hang out with her any other day, i can't hang out with you because you go to school and i don't, so therefore i don't see you often and basically only get to on the weekends. 5: i'm not jealous of you and jules, why would i be?" i say trying to be as calm as i can but it's not working

"i don't know why you're fucking jealous but just stay out of mine and jules love life, okay" she shouts throwing her hands about before walking away

bro i'm not even jealous but okay

i sigh and head back into the shop where fez and ash are both looking at the door.

"what was that about?" ashtray asks

"honestly, i don't know" i say rubbing my head and making my way towards the back to get a new vape.

i pick fresh mint and make my way over to the couch in the corner.

i try it and it's actually nice.

i then lie down and go on my phone, while ashtray walks in.

"you okay?" he asks

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