The Discovery

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"Pick one." Jungkook chirped.

"I don't know, aren't they all the same?"

"Technically, but so is every bowl of chicken ramen. We still enjoy that don't we?"

Taehyung frowned, holding the thick glowing credit card in his hand. The machine in front of them displayed a number of images. Jungkook huffed beside him and he slapped the back of his hand against his chest without looking.

"Ow! Hurry up!"

"Shut it. That did not hurt. Also, you can't rush these things okay? It takes time."

Jungkook swiped his own card and slapped a palm over one of the large clicking buttons.

"Maybe for you it does. I'll see you later. Meet me after, in the garden by the fountain!" he jogged into the opening door without waiting for a reply.

Taehyung ignored him, eyes roving the images again, starting from the top. He paused at the very first one, a hybrid. He'd never been with a hybrid before. He swiped and clicked the first image, a white-haired man with cat ears.

A different door opened on the left and he entered it, only a little worried about how expensive it had been. The door led to a thickly carpeted hallway, one glossy black door at the end. Taehyung reached it and turned the shiny silver knob. It opened easily to a room with white wooden flooring and a single bed in the center. There was a nice balcony overlooking the city, and a bathroom on the right where he could hear running water.

A smooth white tail poked out of it and he stopped worrying about the money.


The tail flickered and the man from the picture walked out, drying his hands on a towel. He had plush cat ears, rounded and thick like a tiger, starkly white. His tail was the same color as the fur on his ears. His hair lightly wavy, white blonde.

"Hey. Sorry, I hope you weren't busy."

The hybrid tilted his head to the side and smiled "Don't be sorry. I was just washing my hands."

He padded to the side table and pumped some lotion into his palms, rubbing it through his fingers and up his arms as well. He was dressed in loose linen pants and a matching long sleeve top. They were white too, but still darker than his fur and skin.

He turned and approached the taller. Tae kept expecting him to look more realistic the closer he got but then he was rubbing pale hands up the outsides of his arms and he still looked like a drawing.

"What can I do for you?" the hybrid purred, eyes golden and wide.

"What am I allowed?"

He took a little step back and dropped his arms down. "Anything you want."

"Can I kiss you?" Tae closed the distance the shorter had put there, trying to catch his eyes.

"Yes. Anything."

He brushed a flick of hair behind one of his human ears and cradled his smooth jaw. "What's your name?"


Tae leaned down and pressed their lips together. They kissed for a little, maybe five minutes- he couldn't understand how he tasted so good. It was like one of those icy berry slushies- the white one- mountain chill flavor. They got heated, Tae running large hands over his smaller form. He waited until he pulled a sound from the hybrid before leading them to the bed.

Another noise- this one higher- as the back of his knees met the edge of the mattress. He pushed him flat against the bed spread, soaking up the pink on his cheeks and the darkening of his lips. Long fingers encased each hip, ran up to his sides and under the shirt. His skin was warm, body lithe and lightly muscular.

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