The Brat

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"What the hell are you so happy for?" Jungkook asked, one brow arched quizzically.

Tae's grin widened, and he whistled even louder as the elevator rolled to a stop.

"Oh nothing."

"Liar. Spill." He carded their hotel room open, and they started changing into pajamas.

"Oh well, tonight you know," he left the sentence hanging until the younger couldn't handle it.

"Yeah, yeah, tonight? What about tonight? It was good?"

The older turned to face him and lay on the bed "Best money I've ever spent."

His mouth dropped open. "No way! You hate skin venders! What the hell did you get?"

"I'm not telling or you'll copy me, and I want him all to myself." He pouted.

Jungkook smirked and sat next to him, rubbing a pitying hand along his shin. "Sorry to break it to you, but you'll never get him all to yourself."

"Shut up."

They turned the lights off, but Jungkook couldn't sleep. He waited until he was sure the elder was asleep before going onto his phone and checking his bank statement. One charge for a 'Suga'.

Now that did sound interesting.

They were all there for Jin's bachelor party, and this time he was hitting the skin venders with Hoseok who wasn't over his ex just yet. It was hard sometimes having a group of friends who were all Alpha's, there were no balancing pheromones, and rarely chances to talk things out. A week in Slum City would help them all in the ways they needed it. He hit the same place as the night before, checking for the Suga character and waving to Hoseok when he found him.

The price was pretty steep, but Taehyung had been annoyingly jolly all freaking day. He even looked like he'd slept better- like his skin was glowing.

The hallway through the door led to another.

He opened it into a single bed and a balcony. There was a bathroom on the right side as well. Jungkook's eyes were drawn back to the balcony though where a white-blonde hybrid stood looking out at the sky. He turned and noticed him right away, stepping inside and shyly waving.

"Oh." He stated dumbly.

"Not what you expected?" the man purred.

"No it's just that; I don't usually pick guys but, wow. You are really pretty." He was more than pretty. He was devastating. His nose was beyond cute, his eyes glowed liquid metal, lips shiny and dark.

"I get an hour, right?"


Jungkook started taking all of his clothes off, glad that he'd stayed inside most of the day, so he wasn't sweaty or strange-smelling. "And what are the rules?"

"No scars."

"That's it?"

"Yes. As long as it doesn't scar it is allowed."

He approached the man and ran a finger over one rounded cat ear. The hybrid shuddered.

"I'm Jungkook. You can call me Master. Are you any good with that beautiful mouth?"

The cat flushed and nodded, getting to his knees. "Y-yes Master."

"Show me."

He dipped down on him right away, pulling the half-hard length into his warm mouth. Jungkook sighed happily, feeling himself grow larger inside the wet cavern. The hybrid was able to suck most of him down even when he got fully hard.

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