The Tail

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"What the hell is that?" Jimin teased, flicking the longer end of Hoseok's scarf.

"Nothing." The older replied, eyes still locked to the soda machine.

"Really? You've been wearing it since this afternoon. I've never seen it before, that's all. Was it a gift?"


"Was it a prize from one of the machines?"


Hoseok turned finally and assessed the level of whininess the shorter was exhibiting. Jimin blinked cutely and leaned towards him. The whining would only increase. He sighed and tugged the scarf down, exposing the dark red hickeys and bites. A few of them were turning blue around the edges as well- signs of actual bruising.

"Holy shit hyung what the fuck happened? Did you run into Lee Know?"

"No." he glared, not knowing how harsh it looked "Don't tell any of the guys." He sighed and looked around "It's that hybrid. The one from the skin vender."

Jimin's eyes rounded in amazement. "Hollllyyyyy helllll!!! The one Kook's obsessed with?"

"Tae found him first."

The shorter spun and clapped, smile wide on his smooth face. "This is too funny. The three alphas and the hybrid. Sounds like a bad romance novel."

"It's not one."

"So? Was he as good as they say?"

Hoseok turned dramatically and looked back over his shoulder. "Who? Suga?"

The younger bounced towards him, completely in tune to his antics. "Yes, yes Suga. Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"What they say! Hobi! What they say! Is it true what they say about him? Is he really the best?"


Jimin paused, crestfallen and then Hoseok continued-

"He's even better."

Jimin had already decided that he would be visiting the hybrid- even before he heard Kook describing his own venture with every twisted detail. He wasn't a typical Alpha. Most thought he was a Beta and even occasionally an Omega if you were far away enough. He was stocky and built, but awfully height challenged.

It didn't usually bother him. He was used to being shorter than most of his dates by now, and never felt like less of a man because of it. But he had a little bit of hope in his heart for this one. Kookie hadn't stopped reiterating how TINY the hybrid was. How he simply disappeared under him. And yes, Jungkook was a lot larger of an Alpha but- a man could dream.

He approached the machine and hit the button after swiping his card. The door opened and he breezed through it, as well as the one beyond. He happened upon a quaint little apartment with a city-side balcony. The hybrid seemed surprised to see him almost, but Jimin wasn't willing to wait. He'd come as soon as the others had fallen asleep- needing to see what kind of damage Hoseok had done, or what proof remained of the other alpha on Suga.

"Hi." He spoke in a shockingly deep voice.

"Hey there. Sign said one hour?"



"No uhh..." he stood and put his hands behind his back "no scars."

"That's the only rule?" Jimin took a step closer.


"So bruising... that's fine?" he took another step forward and the hybrid stepped unconsciously back. Jimin smiled predatorily.

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