13// Greenfield High School pt 1

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The next morning had passed before Katarina could comprehend what was happening. She didn't even remember getting out of bed, dressed and sitting at the breakfast table.

But all of a sudden, here she was, right in the middle of the noicious people she calls siblings.

It was too early for this. 

She looked at her right and saw it was still early in the morning. 


Katarina wanted to groan, she wasn't a morning person, never been never will be. It felt like she had woken up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. Or even worse, it felt like she had woken up fifteen minutes before her alarm would wake her.

She shuddered at the thought.

"You're going shopping with Adriano and Phoenix today." Alrigo announced, looking directly at Katarina, making her eyebrows drawing together in confusion. Again?

How many times do these people go shopping? , Katarina thought as she was innerly cringing of the thought of having being in public.

With people. Lots of people. 

Without thinking, her mind played the barfing sound of Harry Styles that lived rent free in her head.

"Why?" She asked softly, not meeting her eldest brother's eyes.

"Because you're going to school this monday." Alrigo said as he took a calming sip of his cup of coffee while Katarina choked on her saliva.

That ment she had less than 48 hours to mentally prepare for school. That wasn't enough.

Her eyes widen as she looked shocked and frozen at her eldest brother. There was no way she was able to survive that without months of mental preparation. She was already dreading the day. Gone were the days of not worrying about school.

They weren't much, but they were so good. Not even once has school clouded her mind, making her all stressful and full of anxiety. It was like a weight lifted of her shoulder and now it was being placed back but ten times harder.

Because now it weightened down on her, she had to attend a new school. She had to make friends. She had to socialize, she had to present her every time she entered a new classroom. God, did she hated that with a passion.

"We're picking up your uniform and buying you everything you'll need." Phoenix smiled but held back his laugh as he saw the bitter face of his cousin. Her facial expressions were always priceless and he couldn't get enough.

He knew she was never aware of how loud her face could speak. He looked at Adriano who was also smirking and the second they made eye contact, they became serious and nodded at each other.

They were going to work on her poker face. 

"You're leaving with them after breakfast." Alrigo said as he got up, checked his watch and returned to look at his siblings.

"I have business to attend, do not wait up for me this evening. Have a good day Katarina." He nodded stiff as he left and closed the front door. 

"Eat up champ, we'll leave soon." Adriano joked as he saw Katarina's face change into one of annoyance and irritation.

Oh, she was so looking forward to that.


"I think it's closed." Katarina said as she and the two boys behind her walked through the busy mall, stopping right in front of a shop without any lights. 

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