Chapter 9

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Alfred walks into the Panera and sees most if not all the countries are there. He sighs and orders himself a sandwich with a salad before going and sitting with Russia and Canada. He smiles at the two and the two smile back.

"Soo, I'm sure you two have questions, what do you want to know?" Alfred asks and the two look at him a bit surprised, at least Matthew does.

Ivan speaks before Matthew does though. "Your boss..are they, not good to you?"

Alfred blinks and looks at Ivan, he was not expecting a question like that at all. He takes a minute to think about why Ivan would be asking such a question but shakes his head, "No, my boss is good to me. Even though the amount of paperwork I get is horrendous."

Ivan nods and his shoulder relax just the slightest bit. Matthew speaks up next, "You said you had a brother right? He is a biological brother or..?" Matthew asks nervously, he clearly wants to know if he has competition.

Alfred smiles and puts a hand on top of Matthew's. "Yes, he is my biological brother but that doesn't mean I don't see you as my brother either. I think you two would get along actually. Maybe we can all hang out together sometime, it would be nice to get him out of the house."

Matthew nods excitedly. "Okay, yeah, I'd love to meet him actually."

"What about you Ivan? Want to hang out with us sometime?" Alfred looks at Ivan who nods.

"Great, I'll set something up then. Can I get your guy's numbers?" The two nod and give Alfred their phone numbers. Their food then comes and they all eat happily though Alfred definitely prefer's his family's cooking over this but it isn't bad.

"Have you had a lover before?" Ivan asks suddenly and Alfred chokes on his water, he wasn't expecting that question at all and so suddenly.

Matthew pats his back as he coughs then looks at Ivan with a smirk, "I could ask the Same thing to you."

Ivan raises an eyebrow, also smirking. "Well your answer is more interesting, you do have children after all."

"Hmm, we'll you're not wrong. Fine, I'll tell you if you tell me about your love life." Alfred states.

Ivan nods, "deal."

"Well then, yeah. I had one partner before but it was when I was younger. Though my children didn't come from that partner." Alfred says simply, shrugging it off like it's nothing.

Ivan stares at Alfred, seeing if he's lying but he can tell he isn't so he nods. "I've never had a lover before."

"Aww, really? That's a little sad, having a partner is nice. Someone to cuddle with on a cold winters days and all is pretty great." Alfred says, hitting a little to close for Ivan's liking.

"Yes well. It's hard to find a lover when people are scared of you." Ivan states.

"Well I'm not scared of you, I'm sure you'll find a partner soon enough." Alfred wiggles his eyebrows a little at the Russian who scoffs and goes back to his food. Alfred chuckles and eats his salad.

"Are you gay?" Matthew asks after a moment of silence.

Alfred raises an eyebrow at him and nods, "Not exactly. Why?"

"Just wondering, you avoided the use of pronouns and stuff so.." Matthew says and blushes lightly, clearly embarrassed that he brought up the question.

"Well I didn't know how you guys would react, I've gotten attacked for being who I am before so it's not like I go around with a pride flag everywhere I go anymore." The two nod, completely understanding where he's coming from.

"You can be who you are with us, we won't judge you." Matthew says with a smile and America smiles back.

"Thanks, that means a lot. To fully answer your question I'm pan."

"That's cool, I'm Demi myself." Canada smiles and Ivan interrupts them.

"What do you mean your a pan Alfred? And what's a Demi?" Ivan looks very confused, the two brothers look at each other and start laughing.

Ivan looks even more confused as he has no idea what's going on, America is the one who calms down first and starts explaining, "pan means pansexual."

"You have sex with pans? Ivan questions and Alfred has to stifle a laugh while Matthew dies next to him.

"No no, it means I don't care what you see yourself as, I'll date anyone really. Their gender doesn't matter."

Ivan looks a little less confused and nods. "And a Demi?"

"It means Matthew needs to have a strong emotional connection to someone before he can-wait I never ask, what are your pronouns?" Alfred looks at Matthew a bit worried.

"I use he/him, you're fine. Yours?" Canada smiles as how inclusive Alfred is.

"He/him as well." Alfred nods and turns back to Ivan, "As I was saying, he needs to have a strong emotional connection with someone before he can date them. Like as an example he can't date someone randomly on the street but he would be willing to date a friend he finds attractive."

Ivan nods. "I see, there is more than just gay and straight then. I should do research."

"Hey it's okay man, take your time with it. There's a lot of different sexualities and stuff, so don't feel bad if you don't understand it all. If you have any questions you can ask me." Alfred smiles and Ivan nods again.

"Thank you. I will." Ivan says and Alfred checks the time.

"We should probably head back soon so we're not late." Alfred says and Matthew checks the time.

"But we still have 30 minutes?" The Canadian questions.

"As my brother always says, 'If you're on time your late. And if you're early your on time.'" Alfred says, intimidating Allen which makes Matthew chuckles.

"Alright then, let's go." The three get up and throw away their trash before leaving to go back to the meeting room.

Chapter 9 finished!
Two updates in one day, let's gooooo B)

Hopefully you're enjoying the story!
I'd love to hear your guy's thoughts though, what you like, what I could improve on, anything really.

Hopefully chapter 10 will be out soon.
Have a great day/night! :)

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