*Uncle Eddie*

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*based off my TikTok imagine Eddie gets mad a kid in your family doesn't like him*

"How am I not his favorite uncle?," Eddie whined.
"I got shiny stuff all over me: rings, chains, the necklace you got me."
He looked down and grinned at the pendant laying against his chest, toying with the necklace in one hand and jingling the chain on his belt with the other for emphasis.
"I mean," he sighed dramatically, "What kid doesn't like shiny things?"
I shrugged and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Eddie he's 4, it's not personal."
He scoffed.
"Yeah well it feels kinda personal when he runs up to all his other uncles with a big stupid smile on his face every time he sees them."
I gave a sympathetic wince and pointed to the couch, telling him to sit with me.

He sat on the edge of his seat, leaning forward with his elbows resting against his knees and his hands draped in front of him.
He was definitely more riled up than I thought he would be over this, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he stared off into space.
"He's known them longer, babe. And as much as I love your style, he's never seen a Metalhead before. Like ever. The dudes my siblings chose to marry look like they stepped out of a Sears catalog and that's just what he's used to."
Eddie laughed bitterly and shook his head.
"Unbelievable. Once again I'm being shown up by the Harringtons of this world."

He sunk into the couch and folded his arms, a grouchy look on his face. After a moment he popped up and began pacing the room.
"What, is it the eyeliner? The tats? All this fuckin metal shit? I'm a fun guy! Way funnier than those little shitheads out there with their corny dad jokes and stupid hair."
I laughed and threw my hands up in mock surrender.
"Hey I mean I think you're loads of fun. But Scotty and Derick are nice enough. They're not better than you baby they're just different kind of dudes."
He stopped pacing and looked over at me in defeat.
"You mean I'm different."
He looked down and I felt my heart breaking for him a little. I walked over to comfort him but before I could get to him, he raised his head and clapped his hands together dramatically.

"Clearly that kid has just been brainwashed to hate fun! Tell me this sweetheart," he said, walking up to me and grabbing my hand in both of his.
"Will you do me the honor of breaking this generational curse my poor nephew has been put under and help me teach him to enjoy fun shit?"
I laughed at his ridiculousness and squeezed his hand.
He wasn't always an optimist but I was grateful he seemed willing to give my family a chance.
"I'd love nothing more."
Grinning, he let go of my hand and pumped his fist in the air.
"Fuck yeah, partner stamp of approval! Alright now let's go kidnap him from his Uncle Scotty and take him to a Rolling Stones cover concert or some shit."
He brushed past me and ran out of the room, leaving me to recover from his mood 180 as I stood there massaging my temples.
"You're an idiot, Munson," I muttered.
"You love me," he called out from the hallway.
I smiled.
"Yeah, I definitely do."

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