Pretty Boy

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I unlocked the door to our house and was greeted by the sounds of guitar strumming from the other room.
"Hey babe! Come check out what I got today after work."
I heard shuffling and moments later Eddie slid on his socks out of the hallway and almost knocked me over.
"Good lord Eddie," I laughed, stumbling.
He grabbed my elbow to steady me and tilted one of the bags in my hand upwards so he could read the logo.
"Sephora? That's where they have all the fancy makeup, right?"
I smiled and walked to our bedroom so I could put my new products next to the mirror for later.
"They prefer calling it high end but yes it's the fancy makeup place."
Grinning like a kid in a candy store, he rifled through the bags until I swatted his hand away.
"Are those clean hands sir? This makeup is gonna go on my face someday, you know."
He crossed his arms and smirked.
"You've had worse on your face."
I glared at him and began pulling the products out of the bags and placed them on the dresser.
Leaning over my shoulder, Eddie looked on curiously.
"Show me what you gotttt I wanna see," he whined.
"You're pathetic, you know that?"
He gave me his signature puppy eyes and I cracked a smile.
"Fine. I'll show you something and you have to guess what the product does or what it is."

I held up a beauty blender and his eyes grew wide with recognition.
"OH I know that one! That's the egg! The blender? I got that one right for sure."
I laughed at how excited he got.
Setting it down on the dresser, Eddie immediately snatched it and began tossing it between his hands.
"Okay first of all it's not a competition babe, you don't have to know what they're called."
"No I know. But I like learning about the stuff that you like. You humor me every other day with DnD so it's only fair."
I grinned and watched him mess with the beauty blender for a few seconds before he started throwing it up in the air like a tennis ball.
"Alright alright that's enough. This thing was $10," I said, taking it from his hands and setting it back on the dresser.
"'Twas how much? $10? Christ on a cracker baby that's criminal. It's just a tiny sponge, what is it fuckin magic or something?"
I shrugged and dug around in the bag for a product that would stump him. My hand finally curled around the new mascara I bought and I whipped it out with a flourish. Eddie narrowed his eyes and took it from me gingerly. Holding it up to his eye he squinted at it and turned it slowly, a look of interest and confusion on his face.
"What is this thing? It looks like a...toy."
I rolled my eyes.
"That was my guess: it's a sexy-time toy. Weird that Sephora sells those but I guess even beauty gurus get horny."
I shook my head mockingly and took it from him, opening the tube and holding up the spoolie so he could see it.
"This would be mascara."
"No shit? Huh. Why is it shaped like that?"
"No idea but it was $25 so it better be good."
"$25?? I could get you a real toy for that much. And I happily will right now if you wanna come with me to Spencers and pick something out," he winked.
"Eddie we have enough to fill a Spencers, I don't think we need any more."
He shrugged.
"Your loss."
"Oh I highly doubt I'm missing much."
He gasped dramatically and placed a hand over his heart, feigning a look of hurt.
I turned away from his dramatic ass and put the mascara away, pulling out eyeliner next to swatch it on my hand.

Eddie put a hand on my arm and turned me towards him so he could watch what I was doing.
I showed him the swatch and he pointed at it.
"That one I know. Eyeliner, right?"
I smiled proudly and nodded.
"Look at you Mr. Metalhead. Who knew your music taste would help you in the real world?"
He scoffed.
"Me. I did. It looks pretty sick on Kelly Nickels though, he made me kinda wanna try it."
That gives me a great idea.

"Lay down."
He smirked dangerously and lay down on the bed immediately.
"Damn that was fast. Usually I have to tease you a little before you're ready to-"
"Shut up," I blushed, climbing on top of him.
He reached to take my shirt off and I swatted him away.
"Mind out of the gutter, Munson, I'm doing your eyeliner."
"Ohhhh got it. Can't complain I guess; I like where you're sitting and the view is amazing."
I rolled my eyes and pushed his hair out of his face.
"Okay it's gonna feel weird but it doesn't hurt," I said, leaning in.
He smiled and stared at my lips as I began applying the liner. Soon his concentration was broken and he couldn't hold back his usual commentary any longer.
"Woahhh that feels weird. Can I blink?"
"No! I'm not even done with one eye."
He widened his eyes dramatically and stared at me.
"Zero blinking, got it."
Shaking my head, I took the liner pen away from his eye.
"Fine then drama queen, blink so I can continue."
He closed his eyes slowly and opened them again.
"Okay I'm ready."

I continued applying the liner and smudged it out with my finger to make it look a little smoky.
As I lifted his chin to get a better angle, he started tracing my inner thigh and I involuntarily squeezed him with my legs.
He grinned and gripped my thighs, sitting up.
"You finished yet, sweetheart?"
I smiled and nodded.
"You look good, pretty boy. Very metal."
He laughed and squeezed my thighs harder this time.
"Yeah? How 'bout I introduce you to some more metal," he nodded his head at the handcuffs he insisted on clamping to the bed frame at all times.
I rolled my eyes and grinned, tossing the liner on the bedside table.
"Sounds good to me."

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