Chapter 1: Home

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Disclaimer: This is my first story. I hope you like it!

TW: Anxiety (even if it is poorly written tbh)

You walk downstairs, carrying a massive stack of cups from your bedroom. You're limping slightly in your left leg and nearly trip as you reach the bottom step. You set them down in the kitchen and walk back down the hall and to your room. 3 doors down. Window overlooking the grass. Your teal painted walls are barely visible. You jump up on your bed and reach on top of your bookshelf. If you can call what you're standing on a bed. It's just a mattress on the floor, covered in blankets. You would've been content with just a heap of blankets on the floor. You grab two bottles and walk downstairs again. Just as you do, the doorbell rings and there's pounding on the door. A face peaks through the window and you roll your eyes.

"DUSTIN! DOOR!" you yell. You walk into the kitchen as your over-excitable little brother rushes to the door. You set your cups down by the sink and limp back towards the door. Dustin's friend's eyes trail on your limp. You know who this is. But you won't say or even think of his name. You limp down the hall again to check for more dishes . You grab a bowl, two bottles, and a cup. You begin to limp to the kitchen again and catch a few words of Dustin's conversation.

"Do you have the stuff?" the older boy asks.

"You better not be doing drugs." you call, limping to the kitchen.

"It's DnD stuff sis!" Dustin calls. You roll your eyes. Like you care.

"Why are you limping?" the older boy calls. You walk back to the front door and cross your arms, leaning against the wall. You're careful not to shift your weight too much onto your right side. Denim jacket over a black leather jacket. Jeans with a silver chain clipped to it. Dark boots and that blasted Hellfire Club shirt that they all wear. Long, unruly, black hair. Silver rings on his fingers. There's something you've never noticed. Callouses on his fingers.

"I don't know." you say. Dustin whips around towards you.

"You don't remember? You were dr-" you widen your eyes at Dustin and shake your head slightly. Dustin slowly closes his mouth and turns back to his friend. You limp back down the hall, on the opposite side of your room, to the bathroom. You slam the door and lock it. You quickly whip around to the mirror. Your hair is messy and the area behind you is starting to swirl. You plant your hands on either side of the sink and your breathing picks up. Your heart is thudding heavily and rapidly. Your hands begin to shake and you quickly reach for the faucet. Your hand connects to the cold nob to the right of the faucet. The water begins to flow into the white sink bowl. You quickly dive your hands into the stream and splash the water onto your face. Your sweat slowly dissolves in the water and you slowly bring your eyes to the mirror. Your hair is still messy. There's a soft crash in the distance as you stop the water and reach your shaky hands to your soft, dark brown hair tie. You gently give it a tug, pulling it free from your hair. You pull your hair up, two strands fall down and you re-secure them, pulling it into a high ponytail that's diagonal from your chin. You twist your hair tie three times around your ponytail. You split your hair and give it a tug, securing the ponytail. You unlock the door and walk, not limp, out of the bathroom. You can feel two sets of eyes on you but you just stare at the floor. The smell of cigarette smoke or just regular smoke is lingering in the air.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Dustin asks. You continue to stare at the floor, your mouth slightly agape. You close your mouth and turn your head to the left to look at Dustin. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" you ask lightly. You turn to the living room and walk back into it. You take your seat on the couch and open your book. You steal one glance over the top of it and catch Dustin's friend's eyes. Those same goddamned eyes that follow you in the cafeteria. That gaze into your soul during class. Those eyes that could only ever belong to one person...

Eddie Munson.

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