Chapter 4: The Game

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Some terms may be wrong from DnD. (I don't play).

TW: Mention of drugs

You've been sitting in that hidden room for about an hour, learning about DnD. You secretly knew most of it already but it didn't hurt to clear things up. "Mr. Cleary says that you all need to pick up afterwards by the way." you say. Eddie chuckles and his arm brushes against yours. There are knocks at the door and Eddie walks over to it. "Hey! It's Dustin and Mike! Open up!" you hear your brother call. Eddie opens the door. Dustin and Mike take seats next to you. You were already feeling nervous but there was something you needed to do first. "I'll be right back." you say. You jog down the hall of the school to the main office. Locked. You take a bobby pin out of your hair and spread it apart. You stick one end in the key hole while twisting the other end until you hear a click and the door swings open. You fall inside the office as you hear footsteps. You crawl to the side, hoping that whoever it is just shuts the door. A head peeks through the door and you sigh with relief. It's Eddie. "Hey Eddie." you say. "Did you pick the lock?" Eddie asks. You nod and Eddie offers you a hand. You take it and Eddie helps you up. "Do I want to know?" he asks. You survey him quickly, quietly, and carefully. The vest and jacket are gone. "I need to change a few grades." you mutter, shutting the door. You twist the bobby pin again until you hear it lock and you stick the bobby pin back into your hair. Eddie smirks. "And I thought it was just me..."

The game has been going on for hours. It's down to just you and Dustin. The party huddles in the corner to discuss your strategies. You're rolling to keep fighting Vecna...or something like that. The party turns back to Eddie. "Let's kill this son of a bitch." Dustin says. Dustin rolls the 20 sided dice first. 11. Dustin is gone. Eddie hands you the dice, the engravings in his rings brushing against your skin. You begin to shake the dice and pray to whatever higher power there is for something good. You release the dice and it rolls on the table a minute. One anxiety packed minute before landing. All members of Hellfire lean forward. A PERFECT 20! YOU ROLLED A PERFECT 20! Everyone in Hellfire begins to cheer and Dustin hugs you. Even Eddie seems excited as he gives one clap of his hands. He bows extending his arms and presenting you. In that moment you smile at each other. Best day ever.

Everyone is packing up and leaving. It's just you and Eddie left. "Where do you think you're going? You have to clean up." you say. Eddie rolls his eyes and walks back into the room. You smile and set your bag down. "I'll help." you say. Eddie smiles...not smiles, grins at you and you two begin cleaning. "Good game tonight. You did pretty great for someone who's never played before." Eddie says. His hand brushes yours again. "Thanks. There's no 'great game' without a great game master though." you say, smirking to yourself. Eddie smiles. "You're not at all what I expected (Y/N). You're not like Dustin or the rest of Hellfire...but you're not like the jocks or cheerleaders or band geeks or anyone." Eddie says. You return his smile and you keep cleaning in silence. Please don't bring up what happened at my house. Please don't bring up what happened at my house. You repeatedly think. "So, do you wanna talk about what happened in the bathroom?" Eddie asks. Your heart sinks into your stomach and you don't respond. This would take a lot of courage. "Not really, no. But I thought you could help." you say. You look up and Eddie is staring at you. You straighten your back and walk over to him. "You mean..." "Yeah." you interrupt. "You don't seem like the type to do drugs." Eddie says. You shrug. "First time for everything." you mutter. You can feel Eddie surveying you but you don't look at him. " me tomorrow, during the last block study hall we both have. Meet me in the woods. You'll see a picnic bench towards the middle. Bring money." Eddie says, grabbing his bag. You nod and do the same. You go to follow him out the door when he turns around, causing you to nearly crash into him. "Are you sure?" he asks. All the playfulness and silliness is gone from his eyes. He looks...concerned? But you thought that was impossible for Eddie Munson. "Yeah..." you say. Eddie nods and turns back around. The two of you walk out of the school and he nods at you.

You're in deep shit (Y/N) Henderon.

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