Chapter Three: The Sub

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Hey! Sorry, the last chapter was a little longer than intended

TW: Anxiety (poorly described again)

The bell rings and you're the first out the door. Walking quickly to shove your things into your locker and then to your car. You're leaning against the hood, waiting for Dustin when you see a familiar face walk out of the school. Black unruly hair, chain hanging from his jeans, denim vest over a leather jacket, and that stupid Hellfire Club shirt. Eddie. He spots you staring and smirks, smugly walking over to you. "Well, well, well...(Y/N)." "Eddie." you say. You've never said his name before. It feels weird and has an odd, sour aftertaste. "You left us there during lunch. What happened to you?" Eddie asks, leaning his elbows on the hood of your car. What happened?


"Mr. Cleary, you wanted to see me?" you say, walking into the dimly lit classroom. Room 107. "Yes, Ms. Henderson. First, I noticed that you were hanging out with the Hellfire Club. Just, if you could, please remind them to pick up. Second...this is more important and grade concerning. You are an extraordinary writer and it shows in your final product. But the's all jumbled. You're too hard on yourself while writing." Mr. Cleary says. Your heart rate increases and your palms begin to sweat. "So..." you dryly swallow and try to speak again, your dry lips sticking together. "So what are you saying?" you manage to ask. The room behind Mr. Cleary becomes a swirl and the classroom feels warm. You take quick, shallow breaths but can't seem to breathe. "It means that for the rough drafts and progress...I have to give you C minuses. But for the finished product an A+." Mr. Cleary says. The rest of the world is still spinning and you feel like your stomach drops at his words. "Okay, thank you, excuse me." you say. You walk out of his classroom, look both ways and then run to the bathroom. You burst inside and plant your hand on either side of the sink again. You fumble for the cold knob on the side of the faucet and turn it quickly. The freezing water gushes onto your hands, numbing them. You splash the water onto your face and after a minute the water on your face heats, it's no longer refreshing. But you feel better. You grab a paper towel and dry your face, tossing it into the garbage can. You exit the bathroom just as the bell ring.

"I had to talk to Mr. Cleary." you say. "And what'd he say?" Eddie asks. You roll your eyes. "That's not important." you mutter. Dustin comes running up to you. "Hey." he says, panting heavily. "Still...haven't...found a sub." he pants. You sigh and glance at Eddie. Eddie pushes off of your car and walks over to Dustin. "Well then, before Hellfire...I SUGGEST YOU FIND ONE!" He whispers at first but then shouts at the end. You and Dustin both flinch. Dustin quickly turns to you. "(Y/N) will you be the sub for Hellfire tonight?" he asks. You widen your eyes. "What!? I know absolutely nothing about DnD." you say. "If you stay after, I can teach you." Eddie says. You glance at Eddie and he's staring at you. You sigh and clench then unclench your fists. "Fine. But Dustin, I swear to God you owe me." you say. "Actually, sis, if anything you're repaying your debt to me." he says. You turn to Dustin and slowly smirk. "Wise kid." you mutter. "Okay. Let's go!" Dustin exclaims. He grabs your hand and tries to pull you back into the school. "Rule #1 of me being here: do not pull me around." you say. Dustin lets go of your hand and jogs over to tell Mike the good news. "So you've never played DnD before?" Eddie asks, jamming his hands in his pockets. You shake your head. "Dustin talks way too much about it though. He really loves this game." you say. You and Eddie smile. "Then I think I need to give you a pop quiz." Eddie says. "Oh really?" you ask, laughing. "Go for it. I'll most likely flunk." you tease. "Okay...what do you call a 20-sided dice?" Eddie asks. "Icosahedron." you answer, not skipping a beat. Eddie gives a slow clap and you roll your eyes. "You like to do that, don't you?" Eddie asks. "Do what?" you ask, opening the door of the school. "Roll your eyes." Eddie says. You laugh. "I guess I do roll them a lot." you say. "Well tonight you'll only be rolling dice." he says. The two of you walk in silence to a room deep in the school. One you've never passed or been inside. Eddie opens the door for you and you step inside. "(Y/N) Henderson...welcome to Hellfire!"

Eddie & Y/N Henderson (FEM READER)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ