Chapter 5: The Woods and The Drive

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TW: Drugs

You walk into the woods as twigs snap and break beneath your feet. You're determined to get to the picnic table as quickly as possible. Your breath and pace quicken as you continue to tred through the woods. There's a small clearing in the trees and you spy a weathered picnic table. You sit on the bench and set your bag down. There are sounds of twigs cracking and you shoot your attention to the direction you came. Eddie appears out of the woods and smiles at you. You relax slightly. It's just Eddie. Nothing will hurt you. You think. Eddie sits opposite of you and sets down a metal lunch box. "Okay. Before we get to the dealings I need to complete a customer survey. Do you take any prescription or nonprescription medicine/drugs?" Eddie asks. "No, to both. Just the standard Tylenol, ibuprofen, claritin, benedrill, pepto bismol...Excedrin." you say. Eddie laughs. "That's a lot." he says. "Okay. Any suicidal thoughts? The stuff could amplify that." Eddie says. You shake your head quickly. "And last but not least, why are you interested in purchasing the merchandise?" he asks. You bounce your foot up and down quickly. You glance down at your hands in your lap and then back at Eddie. "Hey...I won't tell." Eddie says calmly and comfortingly. You take a deep breath. "Anxiety." you mutter. Eddie nods and digs into his lunch box. He pulls out a bag of crushed leaves and you hand him money. "You get a discount." he says, trying to hand you back some money. You push the money back to him. "It's just a one time thing. Keep it." you say. Eddie slowly puts the money away and begins to walk away. He's about to leave you alone when he turns back around. "Have you done this before?" he asks. You glance up from the plastic bag and lock eyes with Eddie. "No." you say. Eddie nods and walks back over to you. He sets his lunchbox on the table and sits next to you. "You shouldn't be alone on your first time. I'll stay with you." he says. You smile and your knees brush against each other again. "Thank you Eddie." you say. Eddie smiles and grabs the bag, shaking it. "Let's begin."

You and Eddie had been laying on the picnic table for about 30 minutes. Or was it an hour? Your brain had start to become swirly with all the dancing lights in the trees. "You okay over there (Y/N)?" Eddie asks. You turn your head to the right and Eddie is staring at you. "Yeah." you say. Your hand brushes against Eddie's again and you lift it up quickly. Too quickly. You can feel a stiff shift in the mood and return your hand to your side. "Sorry, reflexes." you mutter. Your brain is too foggy to come up with a good excuse. You squeeze your eyes shut. "I wouldn't close my eyes if I were you. Trust me." Eddie says. You open your eyes and nod. "Y'know for your first time, you're good at this." Eddie says. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" you ask, laughing slightly. "I guess..." Eddie says, laughing too. The effects have worn off now and you sit up. "How are you now?" he asks, sitting up next to you. You turn your head to him and he does the same. "Better. But I'm guessing this feeling won't last long." you say. Eddie shakes his head and smiles. "Thank you Eddie. I really needed that today." you say. You rest your hand on his and you both smile. The two of you hop off the table and begin the hike back to the school parking lot. School was most definitely over because the parking lot was empty. Your car wasn't where you parked it either. There was just a note taped to where you left it.

"Shit." you mutter, jogging over to it. Eddie jogs up behind you. "What is it?" he asks. You read the note aloud. "Hey (Y/N)! So Max found your keys and since you weren't here for like an hour she drove me and your car home. Hope you're alright and that you get this. I think your car will be fine. From, Dustin." you crumple the note. "That little shit!" you mutter. "I can give you a ride." Eddie says. You turn to Eddie. "If it's not too much trouble." you say. Eddie shakes his head. "Come Lady (Y/N)! Your chariot, your noble steed awaits!" Eddie exclaims. You laugh and follow Eddie to a van. He opens the passenger door for you and you get inside, shutting the door. Eddie gets in the drivers side and you both buckle your seat belts. Eddie begins to drive. He drives like a maniac! Taking each turn like he's running from the cops. You're digging your nails into your hands and praying you don't die. Eddie pulls into your street and slows down. You visibly relax and Eddie bursts out laughing. "What is it (Y/N)? Don't like my driving skills?" he asks. "If those are what you call skills then I fear for the rest of the world." you say. Eddie laughs again and keeps driving. He pulls into your driveway and runs around to open your door. "Thanks Eddie...for everything." you say. Eddie nods. You two just stand in your driveway staring into each other's eyes for a while. Eddie's beautiful brown eyes shine in the light. "So, I'll uh see you at school." Eddie says. "Yeah, of course." you say. "You'll sit at the Hellfire club table tomorrow, right?" Eddie asks. You nod and Eddie smiles. "If you need anything..." he says. "I'll call or talk to you." you say, smiling. Eddie pulls out of your driveway and you give him a small wave. He returns the wave and speeds off, still driving like a maniac.

Eddie & Y/N Henderson (FEM READER)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu