Chapter 6: The Trailer

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TW: Allusion to drugs

4, 3, 2, 1. You count the seconds until the bell rings. You grab your books and try to book it out of the classroom. In your haste you crash into someone in the hallway. "Woah! Easy there (Y/N)!" You look up. It's Eddie. Of course it is. When wasn't it him? He's given you rides a lot and you now sit with him at lunch. "You ready for our excursion?" Eddie asks, smiling. You laugh as the two of you leave the school, Eddie spinning around so he's walking backwards. "I have to stop by the trailer first to restock our supplies but then we're all good." Eddie says. You reach his van and he lowers his voice. "How's your anxiety?" he asks. "By asking that, you're making me anxious." you whisper. Eddie laughs and opens the door for you. "M'lady." he says. You smile and get into the van. Eddie sits in his seat and begins driving. If I keep getting into cars with him I'll die. You think. You glance at Eddie and he smiles at you. Worth it.

You pull up into the trailer park. Doesn't Max live here?  You think. Eddie opened your door for you and you immediately spotted his tattoos. You had noticed them before but the sight of them always left you speechless. "You good there (Y/N)?" he asks. You shake out of it and nod, jumping out of the van. You stumble forward and Eddie catches you, grabbing your forearms to balance you. Your eyes lock and you nod slowly. You stand up straight and follow Eddie into his trailer. It's pretty messy, the counters...not the floor. "Do you live here alone?" you ask. "Nah, my uncle lives here too." Eddie says. He motions for you to follow him deeper into the trailer. You walk into a room which you assume is his because of the rock and metal posters covering practically every inch of the room. There's also a beautiful electric guitar leaning against the wall. You walk over to it. "Be careful." Eddie says quietly. You slowly run your fingers across the strings and wince slightly at the sound. Don't be mistaken, it's a beautiful sound except for at the end of the vibration there was a slight shift. "Your E is slightly too high." you say, turning to Eddie. He smiles and chuckles slightly, walking over to you. Eddie offers you his hands and you take them, standing up. Your eyes lock and you feel your heart rate increase, betraying what you want to feel. "I think what we need is in the kitchen." he says quietly. You nod and follow him to the kitchen. Eddie starts to dig through drawers and under the sink. "Do you need help?" you ask. "No! I almost got it!" Eddie calls from under the sink. You smile and walk over to him. You sit next to him, leaning against the cabinets. Eddie slowly pulls his head out from underneath the sink and makes eye contact with you. He slowly grins and pulls a plastic bag out from under the sink. "Bingo."

"We can do this here today...if you'd like..." Eddie says. Both of you stand. "Sure." you say. You follow Eddie back into his room and both of you sit on his bed. "Ready?" he asks. You nod. "Then let our excursion begin."

You and Eddie are laying on his bed. Your hand is laying against his hand. The cold metal of his rings are keeping you drawn to the reality of the moment. You let out a small laugh. "What?" Eddie asks, rolling on his side to face you. You roll on your side as well. "I just can't believe I'm in Eddie Munson's trailer, in Eddie Munson's room, doing this with Eddie Munson." you say. Eddie smiles and laughs. "I mean, I wouldn't even know you if it wasn't for, well, my annoying little brother." you say. "You wouldn't even have talked to me?" Eddie asks, pretending to be wounded. You laugh and stare into his eyes. Those eyes that have recently seemed to never leave you. The effects are wearing off and you sit up. Eddie joins you with a smile. "I should probably get going." you say. Eddie nods, his smile slowly fading. You jump off the bed and Eddie does the same. Eddie gives you a ride back to your house and you wave goodbye.

You walk into your house and Dustin runs up to you. "Where have you been!?" he asks. "Around." you say, crossing your arms. Dustin takes a deep breath and raises his eyebrows. "You smell like Eddie." he says. "Oooohhhh." Dustin says. "Shut up!" you say. You walk deeper into the house and flip Dustin off. "Right back at you!" Dustin calls, returning the gesture. Little shit.

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